
3 simple and effective ways to get rid of dark circles

Photo: envato

Do you look tired? Do you have dark circles and don't know how to get rid of them? Simple! Tips every woman should know. You won't believe that you probably already have everything you need at home. Quickly check the ingredients below.

There can be several causes for dark circles - from lack of sleep, stress, hormones, unhealthy diet, lack of vitamin K and iron in the blood, dehydration...

Almost every second woman is tormented by dark circles. If you are one of them, you know very well how difficult it is to hide them, so we did the research for you and found, according to experts, the three most effective ways to eliminate dark circles.

1. Rose water

Rose water moisturizes and nourishes the skin, relieves swelling, redness and itching. It has a whitening and rejuvenating effect. You can simply buy it or make it yourself from fresh rose petals and a glass of warm water.

Dark circles disappear. Photo: Sora Shimazaki / Pexels

Wash the rose petals and place them in a bowl and cover with a glass of warm water. Let it cool and strain it into a disinfected container. Keep it in the refrigerator, but not longer than seven days.

Moisten two cotton balls, place them on the eyelids and hold for about 15 minutes. Repeat this every morning and every evening.

2. Potato juice

Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and a skin whitening ingredient.

Grate the raw potatoes and squeeze the juice out of them. Then moisten two cotton balls with this liquid and place them on your eyes. Hold for ten minutes.

Wash your face and rub a little olive oil under your eyes. Do this for two weeks, every day.

3. Milk and bread mask

Milk moisturizes and whitens the skin, and bread contains yeast, which is rich in vitamin B - it soothes the skin and neutralizes swelling.

Apply natural ingredients and shine in all your beauty. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Make a mixture of white bread and milk, it should not be too thick. Apply the mask to critical areas. Leave it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes.

If you do this regularly, dark circles will disappear quickly.

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