
3 Simple Ways to Show True Gratitude

It was once believed that actions speak louder than words, but the art of speaking has gained importance in recent years. Expressing gratitude in words is probably the simplest method that costs you little, but has a very powerful effect.

It seems like we are the people in this day and age forgot about gratitude and kind words. But it takes so little that someone you brighten the day. If your loved one a stranger or friends make your day easier, they certainly deserve it thank you, which will remain in their memory. Well, we don't mean presents, rather simple and free gestures that will work.

Even science says they do every time you receive a thank you or say thank you, both people benefit from it. In research on the impact of expressing gratitude the three groups had to write a letter and thank the person who was there for them attentive and kind. Then everyone was asked how they thought the recipients of the letter would feel. Participants rated how they would feel strange and they underestimated the happiness that the recipients of the letters actually felt. Keep this information in yours mind, every time you want to express gratitude but are afraid to. But here are ways to simply say thank you.

Say thank you and mean it

Give thanks because you really feel it.
Give thanks because you really feel it.

Postman, taxi driver, shopkeeper, waitress - when it comes to people with whom you don't necessarily have daily communication, thanking them for what they have done for you is more than welcome. Thank them with thank you and make their day, because they made your day easier with their help. The way to learn to be grateful in life is simple: Thank people and it will become a habit, says Clarissa Silva, a behavioral scientist.

Write a cute message to someone you love

Write a cute message to someone you love.
Write a cute message to someone you love.

Considering the research above, which finds that expressing gratitude makes both people happy, it might make sense to add a cute note to your thank you for an even stronger impact. According to Robert Glatter, assistant professor of emergency medicine, a handwritten note is often the smallest gesture that has the biggest impact. Gratitude is a sign that you care about devoting time to honoring those who have influence in your life.

Write a gratitude journal

Write a gratitude journal.
Write a gratitude journal.

When it comes to journaling, sometimes you need to remind yourself of the things you are grateful for. Julie Potiker, author of Life Falls Apart, recommends journaling to reduce stress levels. It is enough to write a list of things once and you will quickly discover new things that bring you joy.

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