
3 things to do after Mercury retrograde ends

konec retrogradnega merkurja
Photo: Pexels-Pixabay

The period of Mercury retrograde is over! Now that energies are gradually normalizing, the question is how to make the most of this new era. What to do for the end of Mercury retrograde?

The end of Mercury retrograde is an important period! Mercury retrograde ended Monday January 1st!

Finally, some things will flow better, especially in mutual communication. You will express yourself more easily, and your message will be more correctly understood than in the last three weeks. During the period of Mercury retrograde, you can felt uneasy, things were not moving in the desired direction. This will now gradually disappear.

Fatigue is finally leaving. Photo: Sinitta Leunen / Unsplash

But remember that the period after the retrograde shadow lasts until January 20; continue to be gentle with yourself and don't expect magical changes overnight.

End of Mercury Retrograde: Big changes take time and patience

Let's look at 3 things that are good to do now.

1. Improve communication

The energies in the last period have been very tense, especially in terms of communication. Now is the time for calm and honest conversations and also for apologies where conflicts have occurred.

Calmly express your side and your feelings, and allow others to express their needs. Try to understand and accept them.

2. Organize your home

Now is a great time to renovate or clean up your home. Create a pleasant atmosphere where you will happily spend your days.

Sometimes it doesn't take much to bring new energy into your home. Now is also a good time to buy new accessories, otherwise try to be a little creative and do something yourself.

Step out of the shadows. The retrograde period of Mercury is over! Photo: Sebastian Pociecha / Unsplash

If you've been snacking a lot in the past few weeks, it might be time to adjust your diet. Cut back on sugar, caffeine and alcohol and add some essential supplements and vitamin-rich foods.

3. Be confident

During Mercury retrograde, it was not a good idea to make new agreements, contracts or buy valuable things because something could go wrong.

If you've been putting off making decisions in recent weeks, now would be a good time to make them. Boldly sign important documents, decide on new projects, changes, cooperation or buy something more valuable.

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