In the James Bond movies, the easiest way to get a girl is to act a bit unapproachable and macho, and of course to save the girl from imminent death or rape. However, the truth about how to have sex is a bit different. A recent study investigated what personality structure of an individual is most desirable in others. And they found that men with these three personality traits are most active under the sheets.
Recent study researched the connection between personality and the frequency of sexual intercourse. The results showed that they were men with these three personality traits have more sex: these are the men who are emotionally stable, assertive and extraverted. The study was conducted on 3000 men and 1500 women. In contrast to other belief, that the easiest way to find sexual partners are men who are "dude", fearless, but also somewhat rude, inaccessible and inconsiderate of others' feelings, science has shown that they have dependable, kind, empathetic, frank and reliable men in reality better chances for bed games.
But these men must also be somewhat assertive - dare to express their opinion and have the courage to approach someone they like. Such men give their sexual partners a sense of security and reliability, which is, at least to some extent, absolutely necessary for a deeper relationship to develop. And hands down, even if they're just "friends with benefits," that's a kind of intimate relationship, too. So what is it the lesson of this science story? It is much more worthwhile for men to file your social skills, ability to understand others, emotional stability and courage, to approach a woman you like.
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