Given that we are largely conditioned to live our lives subject to social norms and are primarily taught that the provision of material goods is what first and foremost measures success (if not happiness), it is difficult to find your own meaning of life. Here are 4 unusual but powerful signs that you have found the meaning of life.
These are 3 unusual but powerful signs that you have found the meaning of life.
You are calm and connected, even when things (sometimes) go wrong.
For many people, finding the meaning of life is like finding the key to an almost forgotten true self. A part of our personality can change drastically when we discover our own meaning. People who have found meaning in their lives report that they suddenly began to feel deeply at peace and that external circumstances no longer threw them off track.
Material goods are no longer the main focus.
The true meaning of life is never directly related to material goods. However, financial hardships can make it difficult for us to find the meaning of life. But when we find the meaning of our life, even problems with material goods often take care of themselves.
Your health improves.
The famous philosopher Descartes believed that the soul and body are separate entities. Today, with the help of neuroscientific discoveries, it is slowly dawning on us that a huge number of mental processes can be attributed to activities in the brain. The body and our psyche are inextricably linked. It is therefore nothing unusual that our physical well-being improves drastically if we find the right food for our soul.