
3 ways to heal sunburn the fastest

You know that sunscreen is a must these days, right? And you know you have to reapply every 2 hours? If you still haven't taken care of (enough) sun protection, then those kisses of harmful ultraviolet rays have honestly burned you. Painful sunburns can last for days, so we can try almost anything in desperation. dr. Erin Gilbert, a dermatologist in New York, has 3 key tips for helping with burns.

So what to do when we get sunburn? According to opinion dr. Erin Gilbert must be done first get out of the sun immediately and if possible, completely in the next few days avoid. Our body, whose natural defenses are now damaged, is trying heal. Any additional exposure to UV rays will be harmful ours DNA and cells, killed them, prolonged the pain and deepened the injuries.

What is the fastest way to cure sunburn?
What is the fastest way to heal sunburn?

dr. Gilbert recommends putting it in the fridge milk and soak a cloth in it. We then put this on those places where we were burned by the sun. The cloth will be pleasantly cooling, and it contains milk lactic acid, which can help us in this case. the skin where the bubbles have formed is supposed to heal faster.
We can also use aloe vera, as it helps soothe painful burns. Of course, the dermatologist advises that you first read the declaration on the packaging to make sure that the product does not contain ingredients that could worsen things in the long run: these are lidocaine and benzocaine. "These will take away the pain temporarily, but as soon as their effect wears off, the pain will be even stronger."
Here is a third tip. dr. Gilbert recommends taking some in case of painful and itchy burns an anti-inflammatory drug. Our skin is angry, red and painful.

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More information:
eringilbertmd.com and aad.org

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