
30 Days Liver Detox - Detox yourself with Sensilab


The Slovenian company Sensilab, in cooperation with Klemno Bunderla, successfully concluded a 30-day group detoxification project with the 30 DAYS Liver Detox program. According to the manufacturer, 30 DAYS Liver Detox provided 24-hour intensive liver detoxification with the help of natural extracts and cleansed the liver in just 30 days.

Sensilab he says he is 30 DAYS Liver Detox the only product in Slovenia that provides 24-hour intensive liver detoxification with the help of natural extracts in just 30 days. It combines three natural food supplements, containing natural plant extracts of spotted thistle, artichoke, turmeric, myrobalan, rosemary, chicory and black pepper. Together, they ensure a thorough detoxification of the liver. In addition to nutritional supplements, the program also contains 30-day guide with tips and recipes and a practical box for storing and dosing capsules.

Klemen Bunderl
Klemen Bunderl

A big advantage of the 30 DAYS Liver Detox program is also constant support from Sensilab consultants during detoxification. "It's easier together because we support each other. That's why every week we sent all participants a suggested menu with recipes and answers to frequently asked questions about detoxification. For those who needed some additional support, we also opened a 30-day detox FB group", said Sensilab. "When you're detoxing, you're working for yourself. And when you go through detox, you won't be alone physically fitter, but above all, you will be proud of yourself because you will see what you are capable of," he said Klemen Bunderl.

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If you want to cleanse your body, you can join 30-day group detox you too. Do this on sensilab.si.

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