
30 reasons why we love summer

Why do we love summer?

Summer is here! Today, June 21, is the first day of summer. We will take this opportunity to list the reasons why we love summer. Assessments are over, vacations are approaching, so it's time to focus on the sun, sea and sand and forget about everyday worries for a while.

Summer, welcome! Today we celebrate the first day of summer (June 21) and many people smiled at this fact and their thoughts went to sea. There are many reasons why we love summer, we listed 30 of them. Can you add any more?

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Summer is the season of bare skin and barbecue!
Summer is the season of bare skin and barbecue!

30 reasons why we love summer:

  • In the summer, we can spend more time with our family - the end of school means more time for children and parents
  • Excursions
  • There are no tests and exams
  • We can spend more time outdoors with our pets
  • The weather is warm enough for family outings
  • We can go on long cycling trips
  • We can practice many outdoor sports - tennis, badminton, ping pong, water sports, frisbee, ...
  • It is the best time to visit the zoo...
  • ... and an even more suitable time to visit the water park
  • We can curl up in a hammock in the deep shade and read a book
  • It is an ideal time to visit summer festivals
  • We can have breakfast on the terrace or balcony
  • We can go fishing or canoeing on the river or lake
  • We can enjoy juicy summer fruits
  • Camping
  • Because every moment is perfect for licking ice cream
  • Because it smells like pine trees and roasted fish
  • Lots of bare skin
  • Because we can drive a car with the windows down
  • Picnics and grilling
  • Fireflies
  • summer clothes
  • Long days and short nights
  • Stargazing
  • The smell of sunscreen
  • The smell of rain after a summer storm
  • Bonfires
  • Bathing
  • Japanese women
  • Beer + lemonade

This puppy was all of us when we found out that summer has officially started here!

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