
30 short messages that will make your man start behaving completely differently towards you

Small messages that can create a big change.

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Photo: pexels / armin rimoldi

Lyrics have incredible power. The right words can instantly make your partner think about you in a completely new way. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just getting to know each other, the right messages can help take your relationship to the next level. In the following, we offer you 30 messages that will definitely influence your man - surprising, seductive and even a little provocative.

These are 30+ short messages that change men! Lyrics have incredible power. The right words can instantly make your partner think about you in a completely new way. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just getting to know each other, the right messages can help take your relationship to the next level. In the following, we offer you 30 messages that will definitely influence your man - surprising, seductive and even a little provocative.

1. A compliment that will boost his confidence

  1. “You looked really fantastic today. Sometimes I can't believe you're mine.”
  2. "I know you're trying and I want you to know how much I appreciate what you're doing for me."
  3. "Looking at you just takes my breath away."
  4. "I thought about your smile today and I immediately felt better."

2. Flirty and playful

  1. "If I were with you right now, I would definitely find a way to brighten your day."
  2. "Do you know that you are the subject of my thoughts right now?"
  3. “Why am I dressed only for you today? Because I know you'll like what you see."
  4. "I wonder if you've ever dreamed about us?"

3. Innocent seduction

  1. "I just got my bath ready… I wish you were here with me."
  2. "I realized that without you, my hands don't know where to go."
  3. "I wonder what you would say if I told you that I was now without clothes."
  4. "Let me ask you something… Do you have a fetish?"

4. Deep and sincere

  1. “Thank you for always being here for me. I really appreciate you.”
  2. "You are the reason I believe in love."
  3. “Sometimes I catch myself smiling when I think of you. You mean so much to me.”
  4. "My life is better since you're a part of it."
Photo: pexels / armin rimoldi

5. Sexy teasing

  1. "What would you say if I told you I can't wait for you to come home?"
  2. "I don't know what you did to me, but I think about you all the time."
  3. “I know you're busy today, but I have to tell you… I miss you. A lot.”
  4. “If I could do anything right now, I would just kiss you. Everywhere."

6. Something unusual and surprising

  1. “Hey, what do you think I'm doing now? (Hint: it includes you.)”
  2. "Today I remembered some crazy moments we experienced together. Do you still remember?'
  3. "What would you do if I were waiting for you at the door right now… with nothing on?"
  4. “I just came across something that reminded me of you. I can't tell you what it is, but I hope you can guess soon.'

7. Personal questions

  1. "Do you ever daydream about us and our future?"
  2. "What is your biggest fantasy?"
  3. "If you could choose one thing to do with me right now, what would it be?"
  4. “What do you really want? Not just physically, but completely.”

8. Direct appeal

  1. "I can't wait to see you tonight… I have something special for you."
  2. "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to kiss you right now. Strong.'
  3. "I love it when you look at me that way... Like I'm the only one in the world."
  4. "You are something special in my life... and I can't wait to show it tonight."

9. Messages that stimulate his imagination

  1. “What do you think I'm wearing now? Come on, guess.”
  2. "I know you're not a mind reader, but if you could read my mind right now, you'd probably be shocked."
  3. "I guess we'll have to continue this later… in person."
  4. "Today I felt your energy even from a distance. What did you do to me?'
Photo: pexels / armin rimoldi

The key to successfully sending such messages is to stay authentic and tailor them to your relationship. It's important not to overstep your bounds or make yourself uncomfortable. Sending such messages should be fun, playful and something that brings you closer together. Remember that it is mainly about expressing your feelings and creating a bond that will bring joy and satisfaction to both of you.

Key tip:

Always stay true to yourself and respect your feelings. This is the magic of messages that will make him look at you differently.

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