
30 little things that make it worth living and loving

30 little things that make it worth living and loving

We are often so focused on the big picture that we completely forget that the truly wonderful moments of life are hidden in the small details. To remind you where it is possible to find meaning, beauty, hope, connection, we have collected 30 little things that make it worth living and loving.

Sometimes we forget that there are MANY reasons to live, and we get too caught up in the seemingly bigger and more important things that often worry us. It's time to give space too small joys in our lives, which, despite their mundaneness, are still somehow important.

30 little things that make it worth living and loving:

The sound of the door when the partner comes home.
Goodnight kisses.
Good morning kisses.
Kisses for a good day.
The heartbeat of your partner when you hug him.
Children's laughter.
The laughter of grandparents.
The smell of coffee that spreads through the house while we are still in bed.
When someone surprises us with a small surprise.
When a colleague brings us coffee without asking for it.

Make room for beautiful things in your life.
Make room for beautiful things in your life.

Long walks.
Running in nature, when we can be alone with our thoughts.
Friends we can turn to again and again.
Conversations in which we really listen to the other person and they listen to us.
When our favorite song is playing on the radio.
When we make someone smile.
When we do something meaningful.
When we celebrate a friend's success.
When we read a great book.
When we pet a dog that is waiting for its owner in front of the store and thinks that it will never be.

Life is not as complicated as it seems.
Life is not as complicated as it seems.

When we blow soap bubbles.
When the first snow falls and time seems to have stopped.
When we go on vacation.
Sleep without an alarm clock.
Freshly changed bedding.
Writing letters to friends.
A glass of cold water after intense exercise.
The feeling that we are improving in a skill.
Watermelon without seeds.
Sunday lunch with family members.

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