
33rd Graphic Biennale 2019: graphics and satire in one

33rd Graphic Biennale 2019: graphics and satire in one

Many years ago, the Ljubljana Graphic Biennale placed Slovenian fine art in a global context, so its role is still indisputable today - every year the organizers of the event tackle a current topic, which they present through graphic creations, and this year's 33rd Graphic Biennale 2019 will thus be based on the idea of satire as a distinctly visual language. Although graphics and satire each have their own particularities, they share a common claim to speak to the people and for the people. The collective Slavs and Tatars will perform the curatorial role.

Important information
International Graphic Art Center
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Adult €5 (ticket prices may change during GB)

The Ljubljana Graphic Biennale is one the oldest in the world and is granted status high quality events, as a result of which Slovenian art is known even outside the borders of the country. There are regular performances by artists from different cultural backgrounds influenced the rise of the quality of Slovenian creativity and the biennale also played an important role in this.

With the entry into a new era, the Graphic Biennale began to connect with others reproductive techniques and more active to question your role. The focus of the exhibition 33rd Graphic Biennale 2019 will be so on the idea satire as a distinctly visual language, whereby "graphics" will be understood and questioned in a wide field of expressive, unrestrained, even shocking.

The visual overabundance of today has caused the emergence of a new aesthetic language, whose messages and discourse we they often seem tasteless. Although graphics and satire each have their own particularities, they share the assertion that they speak to people and for people.

The 33rd Graphic Biennale 2019 will curated by an art collective Slavs and Tatars, which since its creation in 2006 has offered a lucid insight into pressing social issues. In their curatorial debut, they will connect the beginnings of the Ljubljana Graphic Biennale with humor, which they see as strategy and content.

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