
363 Days of Tea: Tea Bag Art

363 Days of Tea

Most of us throw tea bags in the trash after use. But not Ruby Silvious, who uses tea bags as a canvas for her illustrations, emerging from the 363 Days of Tea project. She adds a new one every day that reflects her current mood.

Tea bags they are not just for drinking, you probably already know that. They can be used to remove stains, remove unpleasant odors, clean windows, use them as a seasoning for meat... For Ruby Silvious, a visual artist and graphic designer, are trashy teabags canvas for illustrations.

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Project 363 Days of Tea Ruby started in January and ever since he pours his thoughts and feelings on a tea bag every day. The illustrations reflect her daily mood, so they are sometimes happy, sometimes dark, and you can follow her works at: rubysilvious.com.

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