
37 diagonal

An eternal, almost rhetorical question. Diagonal size; 32'', 37'', 42''? The golden mean should be the answer this time. The LG 37LH3000 LCD is an excellent choice if you want a high-quality and reliable TV receiver with an MPEG-4 decoder and good features. It has three HDMI inputs, ...

An eternal, almost rhetorical question. Diagonal size; 32”, 37”, 42”? The golden mean should be the answer this time. LG 37LH3000 LCD represents an excellent choice if we want a high-quality and reliable TV receiver with MPEG-4 decoder and good characteristics. It has three HDMI inputs that intelligently communicate the highest possible display resolution to the signal source (Full HD; 1920 x 1080 pixels). LG technology Twin XD Engine, which combines many technologies, enables a high-quality image with maximum resolution, sharpness and vivid natural colors. New technology AV fashion automatically detects the type of content we are watching and automatically adjusts the image and sound quality. We can choose between three preset contents: sports, cinema and games. Built-in Clear Voice II technology balances background sound and emphasizes speech and removes distracting noises, SRS TruSurround XT technology and creates excellent surround sound. With the help of Slovenian menus, navigation through the TV settings will no longer be a problem.
Price: 649 euros, available at www.rolan.si or Rolan doo, Jadranska cesta 27, 2000 Maribor.

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