
Extravagant zoo with people

Valérie Wolf Gang's video installation shows the human species as the central creature in reversed roles. Like in a real zoo.

Important information
Cinema Šiška
Entrance fee
Free entry

The video installation consists of six screens, which have their backs stuck together and are placed in the central part of the exhibition space. Visitors thus walk in a circle and view all six different recordings, all through a wire fence that surrounds the screens, reminiscent of the one in a zoo. Each clip was created in real time, without editing, and shows the space ("cage") in which the person is located. Each clip has a plaque on the fence with basic information about that human specimen - - what race it is, where it comes from, age, weight and other characteristics - just like in a real zoo.

A series of questions arise during the video installation. Difference between human and animal? Wire as an invisible border that surrounds us? The attitude of a superior person, the attitude towards animals, being trapped in the system... And a series of questions and stories arise only if we follow the video installation with open minds.

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