
Icon 3D-printed house: in 24 hours to a new home

This is what a 3D printed house looks like.

3D printing is in full swing. So there are no more reasons why people should not start building houses in this way. Together with New Story, Icon wants to ensure that all the inhabitants of the Earth have a roof over their heads.

Company Icon decided to cooperate with a non-profit organization when designing a new product New Story, which uses technology to build human-friendly communities in developing countries. It mainly focuses on building schools, clean water and profit opportunities. 3D house was recently introduced in Austin, the capital of the US state of Texas.

He will be in charge of 3D printing of structures Vulcan 3D printer. In only 24 hours can print a whole new home in size up to 800 square meters. The costs incurred in this will be significantly lower than those for the normal construction of a house - the new house will be able to be built for less than 3,000 euros.

This is what a 3D printed house looks like.
This is what a 3D printed house looks like.

Icon has tested all the materials they plan to use when printing houses. These proved to be safe, comfortable and durable.

3D houses could solve many social problems. As many as one billion people in the world do not have a permanent place of residence, so this innovation could help them in some way. This is also the goal set by the producers. At the same time, they also want to hire a new workforce.

Many people need a roof over their heads.
Many people need a roof over their heads.

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