
3D tattoos that stand out (when viewed with 3D glasses)

3D tattoos

Have you heard of 3D tattoos? Winston the Whale makes very special tattoos. The American tattooist uses anaglyphic methods, so the tattoos really come to life only with the use of special 3D glasses, the ones we had as children and are given to us in cinemas when watching films shot in 3D. Check out some of his best 3D tattoos.

Red and blue tattoos, which literally stand out, are the work of an American tattoo artist from Portland with the nickname Winston the Whale. He uses for his tattoos anaglyph method, so it combines offset blue and red lines. But that's not why tattoos stand out, they stand out (literally) only when you put on a special one 3D glasses. A pair of cardboard ones must be rolling around in some drawer. Just run after them so you can be you 3D tattoos see in all their greatness.

READ MORE: Cute tattoos suitable for work

You can follow Winston the Whale on his Instagram profile.

3D tattoos that literally stand out:

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