
4 astrological signs that don't forget and don't forgive

They delete you from their life forever!

Photo: Emre Keshavarz / Pexels

Have you ever wondered why some people never forget or forgive? Why do some individuals cling so strongly to past injustices and feelings of betrayal? The answers to these questions may lie in astrology.

They have a hard time trusting and never forgive.

They probably felt betrayed and cheated in the past. As a result, they may feel lost, powerless, or even afraid to allow someone else to hurt them again. pain.

Difficulty trusting and forgiving can also be related to pride and ego. A person may feel that rebuilding trust or forgiving would be tantamount to admitting their weakness or accepting that they have been hurt. He prefers to choose the path maintaining dignity and protecting her emotional world, even if it means cutting other people out of her life.

One of the most interesting aspects of astrology is the ability of some signs to not only remember, but to you they never forgive.

These individuals are distinguished by their strong will, firm convictions and perseverance.


Scorpio is known for its intensity and passionate emotions. Their loyalty is unsurpassed, but can quickly turn to ruthlessness if they feel betrayed or hurt. Scorpios are masters of remembering past wrongs and do not forgive easily. Their obsession with revenge can be frightening, as they are willing to wait and plan how to strike back at those who have wronged them.

They don't forgive. Photo: Horacio Rojas / Pexels

In addition, they have exceptional intuition, which helps them to easily discover the hidden motives of other people. This allows them to avoid people who might betray them, while also planning their steps in case this happens. However, their overly sensitive nature can sometimes spiral into a spiral of resentment and revenge, which can negatively affect their mental and emotional well-being.


Taurus are known for their strength and stability, but they are also extremely stubborn and do not forgive easily. Once they decide that they no longer trust or love someone, there is very little chance of that decision changing. Loyalty is extremely important to them, so the feeling of betrayal or dishonesty affects them deeply.

Tauruses do not respond well to changes and have a hard time adapting to new situations. This can lead to them clinging to their negative feelings even more and making it harder to forget them. Instead of facing their emotions, they prefer to deny or suppress their feelings, which can lead to long-term resentment rather than forgiveness.


Cancers are extremely emotional and empathetic individuals who are very attached to their family members and friends. When they feel betrayed or hurt, their protective nature is activated and they do not respond well to such situations. Cancers are known for their ability to remember every little thing, so it's even harder for them to forget past wrongs.

They don't trust. Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

It is very important for them to feel safe and protected in their environment. When they feel threatened or betrayed, they may withdraw into themselves and build impenetrable walls around their heart. This can lead to deep resentment and unforgiveness towards those who have hurt them. Nevertheless, they are also extremely compassionate and open to reconciliation if they perceive sincerity and sincere intentions in the other person.


Capricorns are known for their ambition and persistence in achieving their goals. They are responsible and disciplined individuals, but may have difficulty expressing their emotions and managing their vulnerability. When they feel hurt or betrayed, they may withdraw into themselves and build an invisible barrier around themselves.

Capricorns have a long memory and find it difficult to make friends with those who have wronged them. Their caution in choosing friends can lead to them becoming withdrawn and not open to new relationships. If they decide to stop trusting someone, there is very little chance that they will change their mind. Nevertheless, they are also extremely responsible and honest, so they are ready to forgive if they notice sincerity and an effort to correct a mistake.

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