
4 predictions about Game of Thrones episode 2 that will make your hair stand on end

4 predictions about what will happen in the next episode of Game of Thrones that will make your hair stand on end

We somehow "survived" the first part of the 8th season of the Game of Thrones series, the excitement is not abating and we are already counting down to next Monday. The prediction of what will happen in the second episode will make your hair stand on end.

Final season Game of Thrones saw the light of day and people from all over the world loved it drove away. They are already the biggest fans of the series watched the first episode of season 8 a few times and found many details, which hide messages we weren't really paying attention to.

Even if the series has barely started, we have witnessed it many events, which will play an important role in the future. The first part was mainly based on character encounters, who have not seen each other for several seasons. The Stark siblings they reunited, they also met Daenerys and convinced themselves of its existence of dragons. Jon Snow discovered that he was crown prince of the Seven Kingdoms, even if Daenerys, with whom he has a love affair, is convinced that he is iron the throne is hers and she doesn't know that a cold shower is waiting for her.

The first episode has ended, and netizens are already theorizing, how will season 8 end. And what are they saying about the next episode?

Daenerys will learn the truth about Jon Snow.

The truth that Jon Snow is the heir to the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, we are already met in previous seasons, but we were waiting for her to find out as well Ion. Protected, which is together with To Samwell Tarly unraveled the truth about being Jon's parents Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, asks Sam to tell his "brother" the truth.

This news will change your life Jonah, Daenerys and many other likoin The lovers are actually related. Jon is the heir to the throne, not Daenerys. All these great truths will influenced the course of events, so there's a good chance Dany will find out the truth very soon.

Jamie will beg for forgiveness.

Although Jaime Lannister has done many crimes, has shown countless times that he's not really such a bad person. Being born among the Lannisters seems to make him made evila, because that's how you have to be if you want to stay alive.

In the last scene of the first episode of season 8, we see that old friend Jamie and Protected, which makes him immobile, they meet. There is strength in his surprised look sense regret. He will probably also seek forgiveness from Daenerys, for killing her father, earning him the title of Kingslayer.

In the trailer for the second episode, we see that Jaime is on trial with Daenerys, which could indicate that he is trying to explain, why he killed her father. The characters will probably not be able to connect with each other on an emotional level, since the White Walkers are coming to Winterfell.

Brienne and Tormund will meet again.

Fans of the series were disappointed that Brienne and Tormund did not meet again in the first part, as there seems to be a special energy between them. The pair never showed that there were feelings between them, but Tormund did nice girl. Their meeting, which is supposed to happen in the second part, it will not make any change, but it will entertain the viewers.

The Night King will come to Winterfell.

In the trailer we saw Tormund say to Jon “before the sun rises tomorrow”, which probably means they have so much time available before the white walkers come to Winterfell. We can assume that the second and third parts will reveal what the course of events will be.

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