
4. Humanitarian run/walk against obesity

It is a charity sports event under the auspices of the Utrip Humanity Foundation, which encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle and at the same time points out the dangers of overweight and insufficient physical activity. So do something for yourself and Wink with me! You can read more about the event at...

Important information
Šmartinsko jezero Celje, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
pre-registration €5, on the day of the run €7

It is a charity sports event under the auspices of the Utrip Humanity Foundation, which encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle and at the same time points out the dangers of overweight and insufficient physical activity. So do something for yourself and Wink with me!

You can read more about the event at http://www.lifestylenatural.com

You can register for the event at info@ln.si.

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