
4 reasons why being alone is better than being in a toxic relationship

Photo: envato

Is your relationship limiting you? Breathe? Has your confidence blown? Have you ever thought that you would be better off leaving such a relationship and becoming a single person. A free person!

Often, the subjective feeling of loneliness can cause you not to think when entering a new relationship. However, sometimes it is better to be alone than with a partner who does not give us enough attention, love and emotions.

Never forget that there is nothing wrong with being alone! In a toxic relationship, you become someone else. Break this toxic cycle, be you.

1. You must please only yourself

When you're in a bad relationship, you feel the need to overcompensate. Your mind convinces you that the pain in the relationship is due to something you are not doing well enough to please your partner. Continually catering to someone else's needs can be completely exhausting, especially if that someone is wrong.

Take heart! Photo: Adria Garcia Sarced / Unsplash

Being single allows you to live your life the way you want, and there are no "what ifs" or "what went wrong" thoughts in your head. You know best what's good for you, and when you're single, you're the only person you have to please and satisfy.

2. You have all the freedom you want

Boundaries are important in all relationships. However, it can be suffocating to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect boundaries and limits your freedom. If you are single, you are free to do what you want, go where you want, and talk to whomever you want without having to explain it to anyone.

Unfortunately, too many people are afraid of being alone and fall into toxic relationships just to avoid being alone.

3. You are not taken for granted

Almost every relationship seems perfect at first. They are madly in love and can't get enough of each other. But in a bad relationship, your partner begins to neglect you and take you for granted. You feel unworthy and hurt!

You are important. Photo: Christopher Campbell/Unsplash

You deserve to be truly loved! And if your partner can't appreciate you, he doesn't deserve you. Rather be single and fall in love with yourself until you find someone who will accept and adore you for who you are.

4. You can find happiness within yourself

Everyone deserves to be loved, recognized and happy. If a relationship can't provide you with these feelings, maybe you shouldn't be in it. Maybe the relationship you should be putting your energy into is the one with yourself.

When you're single, you have plenty of time to reassess your priorities and do things that benefit your own happiness. You also have the opportunity to find out what brings you happiness.

5. Become confident

If you've been in a one-sided, unhealthy relationship, you'd know how misbehavior can damage your self-esteem. It makes you feel worthless and insignificant. And that's definitely not how you should feel in any relationship under any circumstances. You should never compromise your self-worth for anyone, remember that!

Be confident. Photo: Linas Drulia / Unsplash

The relationship you need to invest the most in is your relationship with yourself. You should put your well-being first. Even if it means getting a little selfish sometimes.

And when you learn to love yourself, you will be able to see who is there for the long haul and who is looking for something temporary. The right person will bring out the best in you, not stress you out.

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