
4 strange myths and facts about Aquarius (even if you don't believe in horoscopes or astrology)

Out of all the signs in astrology, which astrological sign would you like to be? Maybe an Aquarius? Let's look at the facts and myths about one of the more complicated signs in astrology.

So let's take a look at 4 facts and 4 myths about one of the more complicated signs in astrology.


He inspires others

He's an Aquarius innovative, thoughtful and constantly looking for new opportunities. He sees possibilities even where others do not. He thinks in such a way that a dead end does not mean that he has to turn back and give up everything, but that he can also find there reasons and possibilities for moving forward. This determination to turn everything upside down and look at the world differently is what inspires the people around him.

He is a multidimensional person

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of unpredictability and rebellion. That's why he's an Aquarius very capricious but a great leader. On the other hand, he hides a part of him that is strange and unusual, because he can cut people out of his life without reason and doesn't care about their feelings.

He is a visionary

If you could turn your dreams into reality, only an Aquarius could do it. Aquarius is a fixed sign, which means that (like Scorpio, Taurus and Leo) it is able to take fundamental concepts from his dreams and create something real from them. She has a to-do list on her phone, plans vacations, and is repeatedly promoted at work. When he puts his mind to something, he knows that literally anything can happen. And if he doesn't succeed the first time, he finds a way to succeed the next time.

He is a free spirit

Aquarius is an air sign (like Libra and Gemini), so it likes to be free, even in relationships. Friendships are important to him, however he also needs his freedom and independence. If you confront him with the fact and say NO, he feels limited and closes in on himself. This makes it difficult for him to form deep bonds with people. He simply needs to be able to spread his wings to explore the world and all that it has to offer.

Aquarius is an air sign (like Libra and Gemini), so it likes to be free, even in relationships.
Aquarius is an air sign (like Libra and Gemini), so it likes to be free, even in relationships.


Aquarius is a loner

Aquarians are known for loving their time and freedom. Aquarians are people who they burn out easily and take much longer to recharge than other characters, but that doesn't make them loners. Just as they value time with friends and family, they also value time to themselves, which we all want, even if it's just for a few minutes.

He is shallow and self-righteous

They are distant and aloof, seeming to be cold and only care about themselves. But like any other zodiac sign, Aquarius has an innate need to cultivate strong relationships and friendships that last a lifetime. Aquarians want to share their time with others and establish a relationship with them, but before that they want to make sure that the relationships, the feelings, are real. It is difficult for them to open up to others, because they thinking about the fact that they or other people could change their mind, reject them, or decide differently at any time derails them. Because of this, they slowly discover things, people, relationships, that they have everything under control. This protects them from pain. This is their defense mechanism and not a way to show others that they only care about themselves and no one else.

Aquarius preaches

They want to spark a truly honest and open conversation with you. If they ask you about your beliefs or thoughts on something, it's because they don't care what you think. Intelligent conversation encourages Aquarius. And don't worry, they listen as much as they talk.

Aquarius goes with the flow

Aquarians act like they're only interested in having a good time and not committing. Nevertheless, they think a lot. Emotions and contradictions are mixed in them. Aquarians they are very open, but also very aloof in their own way and find it difficult to move out of certain situations, they need a lot of time to find the right decision in their mind.

Aquarians act like they're only interested in having a good time and not committing. Nevertheless, they think a lot.
Aquarians act like they're only interested in having a good time and not committing. Nevertheless, they think a lot.

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