
4 zodiac signs that are masters of lying: They will sell you a fog!

Photo: envato

Stars sometimes hide more than we think. Although astrology entertains us, some horoscope signs are all too good at the game of manipulation and lies. Have you ever had the feeling that someone is pulling your nose? It may be one of these four signs that easily blur the truth.

Who are these masters of deception and why are they so good at the game of deception? Read which signs will take you thirsty across the water!

1. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Known for their dual nature, Geminis are actually masters of communication. Their flexibility allows them to switch between different masks with ease, which can at times come across as disingenuous. They are very talkative and know how to fit into any company wonderfully, but sometimes it seems as if they have two faces. Their nature leads them to hide their true selves, which is not always malicious - often they just want to please everyone.

Photo: envato

2. Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libras are basically the biggest peacemakers of the horoscope. Their desire for harmony is so strong that they will often agree to little lies just to avoid conflict. At first glance, this may seem harmless, but they can quickly become entangled in a web of insincerity as they try to please everyone around them. Their tendency to conciliate often leads them to say one thing but mean another - all to keep the peace.

3. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios are secretive and strategic, which often leads them to not show all their cards. Their desire to control and protect their own vulnerability can lead them to manipulate situations, which is often perceived as insincerity. Although extremely loyal, Scorpios will withhold the truth until they are sure it is safe for them to do so. This defensive tactic is key to their survival instinct.

Photo: envato

4. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces are extremely emotional and often live in their own dream world. Their problem is that they often create expectations that reality cannot meet, which causes them to act unpredictably. This can make them seem duplicitous or even insincere. They are not necessarily liars, but their tendency to idealize leads to them not always being completely honest about their true feelings.

Astrology is not necessarily a science, but it can offer us an entertaining insight into the behavior of the people around us. Although no sign is completely immune to lies, these four are masters of deception and manipulation. Remember - sometimes it's just a defense or a desire for harmony, not a conscious deception.

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