
It took me 40 years to learn these 40 lessons, I never forget the first one!

"Everything you need to live the life you dream of is within you right now." - Barbara de Angelis

What have I learned along the way of life?

40. The only person you need to listen to is you. Stop playing and be yourself!

39. Not all people will like you. That's totally fine. Lots of people love you - focus on them!

38. Getting older doesn't mean you'll get wiser. Some people make the same mistakes for years and years. Be careful, learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.

37. You know everything about yourself and what is best for you, so don't look to others for advice. Solve your own problems!

36. Listen to what your heart tells you, and your mind will slowly step by step come to the realization of this desire.

35. You always don't know what you don't know. Sometimes you only find and perfect the lost parts of your knowledge along the way. So just keep going and you will learn everything you need.

34. Mistakes are inevitable. This is life. There is no person in this world who is not wrong.

33. Never listen when they tell you something is not possible. Everything is possible if you decide to succeed.

32. No one knows what the future holds.

31. If someone tells you that they can predict future events (in the area of love, life, money), know that this is not true.

30. Believe in your dreams even when everyone thinks you're crazy.

Believe in your dreams even when everyone thinks you're crazy.

29. Stop stressing yourself out. You need your health, stress destroys it.

28. Sleep at least 7 hours a night so that you can function normally.

27. Take care of your body. It is the temple of your soul!

26. Say what you think. Always keep your promise, no matter what it costs you.

25. You only gain self-confidence if you throw yourself into life.

24. The temptations are momentary, but the consequences last a lifetime. And all life is a long period!

23. Plans often fail. So always have a plan “B” to keep you moving forward.

22. Follow your plan, but be sure to adjust it over time. Don't follow anything blindly, broaden your horizons.

21. Work smart.

20. The truth is always the best, no matter how ugly it is sometimes. Better to know than to guess and blindly trust the wrong person.

The truth is always the best, no matter how ugly it is sometimes.

19. Love yourself. Only if you value yourself will others value you.

18. Always be kind.

17. Not every love will last a lifetime and that's totally okay.

16. It is not your job to teach others lessons. It is enough to be a good example with your life.

15. If you are a parent, always pay attention to what you do and say, because children do what they see in you.

14. Change requires commitment, discipline and repetition.

13. Focus on the present.

12. Whatever you do now, keep your future in mind.

11. Let the past be forgotten.

10. You can't change a person. Accept it or continue without it.

You can't change a person. Accept it or continue without it.

9. Always listen to the opinions of others. When you stop listening, you stop learning.

8. Study everything. It's the only way to do things right.

7. Your beliefs define your personality, so choose them carefully.

6. There will be many obstacles in your life. Don't fight them, learn how to handle them properly.

5. Your mind is strong. Invest in it and learn something new every day.

4. No one really knows what happens when we die.

3. Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

2. Being happy is a matter of choice.

1. Until you give up on life, life will not give up on you.

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