
49. Borštnik's meeting festival

From October 17 to 26, Maribor will breathe again for ten days with the most important festival meeting of Slovenian and foreign theaters here. The 49th Borštnik's Meeting festival will open playfully this year at the Slovenian National Theatre: with Dietr Roth's unusual play Murmel Murmel.

Important information
Slovenian National Theater Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 14 to 22 euros

In the second half of October, the eyes of theater lovers and the general public are focused on Maribor, where the oldest and most prestigious theater festival in Slovenia takes place every year. Borštnik's meeting. A festival named after Ignacio Borštnik, who is considered the founder of artistic theater in Slovenia (he was the first director in the modern sense of the word), will be held this year between October 17 and 26 took place for the forty-ninth time.

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In the Slovenian National Theater in Maribor this year the festival will open playfully: with an unusual performance by Dietr Roth Murmur Murmur – a drama where only the word Murmel is written on 178 pages, which is spoken, whispered, sung and shouted by eleven actors on stage. In the competitive part of the festival, the performances Angel of Oblivion, Kralj na Betajnova, Modern nô dramas, Dead man comes to get his lover, Our town, Othello, Friends, Wedding, The education of a stoic, Behind the scenes of champions and Closing love are on the program, but of course it will be the same as every year the accompanying program of the event is also rich.

A scene from the play Kralj na Betajnova (photo: Peter Uhan)
A scene from the play Kralj na Betajnova (photo: Peter Uhan)

The selector of this year's 49th Festival Borštnikovo sročnje is a theater expert and publicist Amelia Craigher, and the jury for the renowned Borštnikov prstan includes Janez Hočevar, Mojca Jan Zoran, Vinko Möderndorfer, Alja Predan and Metod Pevec.
Tickets for individual performances are available for a fee from 14 to 22 euros, and enthusiasts can also get cheaper tickets by purchasing Borštnik's subscription.

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