
5 apps that use the most data transfer

If you too are worried about the amount of data transfer and the associated high monthly mobile phone bill, then we advise you on how to properly use your favorite data-hungry applications.

Applications that they use the most data, are usually the ones you use most often. For many people, they are Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Snapchat, Spotify, Twitter and YouTube. If you use any of these apps daily, you should change the settings on your mobile phone to reduce the amount of data they use.

Data transfer - do you ever feel like this?!
Data transfer - do you ever feel like this?!

1. Facebook: Stop autoplay video

Opening Facebook it certainly consumes a lot of data every five minutes, and it's even worse if you allow it autoplay videos. Fortunately, you can limit the issue by only allowing videos to play on Wi-Fi or turn them off completely.
Do this in the following way:
– Open the application Facebook, click on the menu button (three dashes) in the right corner.
– Select an option Settings and click Videos and Photos.
– Click Auto-play and select the or option Wi-Fi Connections Only or Never Auto-play Videos. 

Facebook - 200x a day on Facebook?
Facebook - 200 times a day on Facebook?

2. Twitter: Stop video autoplay

If you spend a large part of your day on Twitter, you definitely need to check autoplay videos.
Open the application Twitter, click on the button Me in the right corner.
– Click on the gear icon at the top of your profile and select Settings.
– Click on Data usage.
– Click on Video autoplay and select Wi-Fi only or Never.

3. Instagram: Stop preloading videos and photos

Instagram is more than just a photo app. Also has videos, which are played automatically. The app preloads videos so they start playing for you as soon as they appear on your screen. Also Instagram has a setting option that can at least partially avoid these problems:
– Open Instagram and select the setting function.
– Click Cellular Data Use.
– Select an option Use Less Data.

Instagram is fun... a little less videos, which can be a waste of data.
Instagram is fun… a little less videos, which can be a waste of data.

4. Snapchat: Enable the travel feature

Just like Instagram too Snapchat preloads stories and he snaps, which of course consume large amount of data transfer. To avoid this problem, we suggest you enable the feature Travel Mode, which means that the stories and snap take a bit longer to load, which your data limit will thank you for. Set up the application in this way:
– Open the Snapchat app and scroll down to the profile screen.
– Click on the gear icon in the right corner.
– Scroll down and click on Manage and select Travel Mode.

5. YouTube: Change your Wi-Fi settings

Good news in use YouTube is that the videos do not play automatically. The bad news is that unfortunately YouTube it doesn't allow anything other than watching videos, which can increase consumption very significantly data, when moving outside the area Wi-Fi.
YouTube allows videos to be uploaded to HD they only play when you are in the area Wi-Fi:
- Open YouTube, click on your profile account in the top corner and click Settings.
– Activate the function Play HD on Wi-Fi only.
– If you also often upload videos, we advise you to turn on the function at the same time Upload over Wi-Fi only.

If you want to avoid the above problems and continue to use your favorite applications undisturbed and, above all, without limits, we advise you to choose one of the three A1 Kombo packages from the operator A1 Slovenia, which are the only ones in Slovenia that offer unlimited data transfer on mobile devices. The A1 Kombo S, A1 Kombo M and A1 Kombo L packages are available to you, which combine internet, television, landline and mobile telephony - all in one bill. By choosing the A1 Kombo package, you will save money and enjoy unlimited data transfer on all devices. But if you don't need one of the services, you can simply remove it and pay only for what you use.


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