
5 astrological signs that cheat most often and hide it very well

Photo: Mandalay TV

Unfortunately, infidelity is more common than you think.

Astrology can help you detect infidelity, because according to astrologers, some signs cheat more often than others. Some of them also hide their cheating very well.

In astrology, there are three groups of signs that are defined by certain characteristics (emotions, expression...). Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are the ones who react. Fixed characters (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) like to maintain the "status quo", variable characters (gemini, virgo, sagittarius and pisces) however, are usually very flexible.

It's much more likely that they will fixed signs more faithful than the rest. These are signs that generally don't like change. One of their main roles in existence is stability.

If you want to use astrology as a guide, here are the astrological signs that are most likely to cheat on you and hide it very well.


Mars in Aries evokes action, aggressiveness and also sexuality. It is the sign that most often cheats without thinking. His impulsiveness and lust usually outweigh their judgment. Aries cannot stand boredom and seek attention. A new person gives them an adrenaline rush.

They will try to hide everything, but it will be difficult for them. Because of their impatience, something quickly happens that they betray themselves. They will never admit to cheating themselves, but if you catch them in the act, they will not hide it.



People born under the sign of Gemini are among those who cheat most often. They are drawn to this by the duality of their sign and personality. They need variety, freedom and flexibility to be happy. They are social butterflies, they like to socialize and communicate with other people. Their definition of loyalty is most likely different than yours.

They never intend to cheat, it just happens to them and they try to hide it in every way. If you catch them in a lie, they will tell you what you want to hear, but don't be surprised if they trick you again.


Balance is an important part of their lives. If they are unfaithful, it is because they want to get and fill what they feel they are not getting from their partner. They feel extremely guilty about infidelity, but in order to keep the peace, they will do anything to hide it. They are otherwise not very successful in this and their infidelity is quickly exposed.

They will also deny cheating at first, but when you confront them with the facts, they will be honest. If you give them everything they need, they will never cheat you.


Scorpio is basically one of the most faithful partners, but if there is cheating, he will do everything to hide and cover it up. Why? Because keeping secrets is in his nature. If he cheats, there is usually something very painful going on behind the scenes (emotional wounds or a bad relationship). They are very good at hiding their infidelity and are hard to miss.

Scorpios usually cheat when they are in trouble, and when they get through this crisis situation, they come out of it completely changed. They never cheat again and value loyalty even more.



Pisces is another sign of duality (besides Gemini and Virgo). They are symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. They are attracted to what is opposite to their existing relationship. Pisces people always see that the grass is greener next door and like to indulge in daydreams.

If they are unhappy in their relationship, they begin to live in a fantasy world and this can quickly lead to infidelity. Since they do not like conflict, they will do anything to hide the deception. Cheating is not in their nature. As long as you are gentle and empathetic towards them, they will be loyal to you.

Although astrology says that these astrological signs are more prone to cheating, this does not mean that your partner will cheat on you. Many other factors influence this. Let's be honest: anyone can cheat and anyone can be faithful - no matter what astrological sign they were born under.

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