
5 Books You Must Read in November (2017)

At least for a moment, put down all the technological devices and pick up a good book. There is a saying that the path to knowledge begins with turning the page. So don't wait, turn the first page today.

We have prepared for you a selection of the best five books that are worth reading in the month of November.

Adrian P. Kezele

Fear of death? Ah, no more! Death is a big taboo. Fear of it can paralyze us so much that we stop living. To live, here and now. The Lord of Death holds the secret of death, the greatest secret of all secrets. Is it possible to meet her already during life? The Lord of Death is a story about special moments when the Gates of Heaven open, about conscious death and life after it, about possibilities in life and possibilities in death, about mythological beings, for example Ganesha, a deity with a human body and an elephant head, or Chittagupta, Jam bird-like messengers that visit the human world and bring messages from the other side of reality.

zalozba-chiara.si / €25.00

Lord of Death and the Three Fires of Nachiket
Lord of Death and the Three Fires of Nachiket

Tina Bilban

When we think of inventions, we first think of practical inventions that we use to make our lives easier and make the world more friendly - paper for writing down good ideas, a mixer for making pancakes, a computer for preparing this description... But even more than concrete inventions, our world and our stay in it is determined and directed by abstract inventions. We use them to describe the world, try to understand it and tell others about it. When we domesticate the world with abstract inventions, we understand it much better and can also invent more and more complex concrete inventions. We dare to think!

zalozbamis.com / €27.95

50 abstract inventions
50 abstract inventions

Tom Hanks

The two-time winner of the prestigious Oscar film prize hides several talents, and he decided to reveal one of them in a collection of seventeen attractive short stories. An immigrant from Eastern Europe arrives in New York after his family and life are torn apart by civil war. Through a series of circumstances, he becomes ESPN's newest star and must now decide if the combination of 'perfection' and fame has destroyed what he loves most. This is just one of the stories told by Tom Hanks. Surprising, intelligent, heartfelt and, for millions of Hanks fans, simply a must.

amazon.com / €14.00

Uncommon Type: Some Stories
Uncommon Type: Some Stories

Renée Ahdieh

In the last century, on May 25, 1977, the world met Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Obi Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, Darth Vader and a galaxy far, far away where anything is possible. On the 40th anniversary of this cult film saga, more than 40 contributors presented their vision of Star Wars. Each of these 40 short stories relives a moment from the first film through the eyes of a supporting character. Nnedi Okorafor brings dignity and depth to one of the more unlikely characters: the trash monster. Pierce Brown recounts Biggs Darklighter's last year at the time of the attack on the Death Star. Wil Wheaton tackles the terrifying story of the rebels left on Yavin. These are just a few of the funny and surprising stories that will warm the hearts of all fans of the cult Star Wars saga.

amazon.com / €22.00

Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View
Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View

Scott Kelly

A veteran of four space flights and the American record holder for consecutive days spent in space, he experienced something that only a handful of people do. Now he takes us into a sphere where human life is virtually impossible. In the book, he describes the extreme challenges of long space flights, both the existential and perhaps completely banal devastating effects on the body, the isolation from loved ones, the pressures of constant close contact with others, and the helplessness he feels when tragedy strikes at home. A natural storyteller and modern day hero, he has a message of hope for the future that will inspire generations to come. In his personal story we see the triumph of human imagination, the power of human will and the limitless wonders of the galaxy.

amazon.com / €16.00

Endurance: A year in space, a lifetime of discovery
Endurance: A year in space, a lifetime of discovery

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