
5 essential tips for using sunscreen: the dos and don'ts, according to dermatologists

Always protect your skin from the sun

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Photo: Pexels / Mikhail Nilov

The sun can be your best friend and worst enemy when it comes to your skin's health. While it provides us with essential vitamin D, excessive exposure to UV rays causes skin aging, pigmentary changes and skin cancer. To help you protect your skin properly, we turned to dermatologists for advice on the dos and don'ts when it comes to sun protection. So - 5 essential tips for using sunscreen!

The sun can be your best friend or worst enemy when it comes to your skin's health. While it allows us to obtain the much-needed vitamin D, excessive exposure to UV rays leads to skin aging, pigment spots and skin cancer. Dermatologists constantly emphasize the importance of proper sun protection, but there are still many misconceptions and mistakes people make when using sunscreen. Below, we'll reveal five key sun protection dos and don'ts so you can enjoy your sunny days without worry. So – 5 essential tips for using sunscreen!

sun creams
Photo: Pexels / Mikhail Nilov
Photo: Pexels / Mikhail Nilov

You must do this!

1. Use a broad-spectrum SPF

Broad-spectrum SPF protects against UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays cause skin aging, pigmentation and loss of elasticity, while UVB rays cause burns. dr. Sam Bunting points out that protection against UVA rays is crucial all year round, as they can penetrate glass and cause long-term damage.

2. Choose the right type of sunscreen

Sunscreens are divided into chemical and physical. Chemical creams absorb UV light, while physical creams containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide reflect and absorb UV rays. The best protection is a combination of both, but physical creams are more suitable for sensitive skin or after dermatological procedures.

You can't do that!

3. Don't skimp on the amount of sunscreen

Using a sufficient amount of cream is key to effective protection. dr. Bunting recommends a quarter teaspoon (1.25 ml) for the face and neck. Even application is necessary to protect all parts of the skin.

Photo: Pexels / Mikhail Nilov

4. Don't rely on SPF in your makeup

The SPF in your foundation or tinted moisturizer probably won't be enough. You need a dedicated sunscreen with sufficient SPF, as most people don't apply enough makeup to achieve the necessary protection​​.

Photo: Pexels / Mikhail Nilov

5. Don't use low SPF

Always choose a sunscreen with at least SPF 30, but if you want optimal protection, SPF 50 is a better choice. A higher SPF offers better protection, especially if you don't apply enough cream.

Sun protection is key to maintaining skin health and preventing serious problems such as premature ageing, pigmentation changes and skin cancer. Follow the advice of dermatologists and make sure to use sunscreen correctly: choose a broad-spectrum SPF, use the right type of cream for your skin, don't skimp on the amount of application, don't rely on SPF in make-up, and always choose a higher SPF for optimal protection. With consistent and correct use of sunscreen, you can enjoy sunny days without worry and ensure that your skin remains healthy and youthful for many years to come. Remember that prevention is the best defense, so take care of your skin every day, regardless of the season or weather.

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