
5 extremely powerful words that will change absolutely every conversation you have

"The right attitude is a small thing that leads to big changes." - Winston Churchill

The moment you say these 5 words, the conversation will become about ten times more interesting! It will turn from a boring exchange of words into a fantastic meeting full of powerful and innovative ideas!

These are the words: “Can I have your advice?”

Why can these 5 words, “Can I have your advice?” change every conversation?

When you ask for advice, it is no longer a normal conversation, but it deepens, because the answer requires knowledge, arguments, wisdom. If you ask a person for advice, it means that they appreciate at the same time, it will felt important. When you entrust her with a piece of your future, you let her know that she worthy of your trust. This is one of the most priceless gifts you can give someone.

Ask people for advice, make them feel important. This is a good way to show respect to someone.

Good, deep conversations are built around trust. Tell people you trust them. If you show them trust indirectly, they will also show you their trust. This will make your conversations more interesting in the future.

When you ask for advice, it's a good idea to sit in the passenger seat. You admit you need help and you get some. Above all, you get a different perspective on certain things, which may help you make a better decision. Remember, when you ask for advice, you can get it also a good friend.

These types of conversations that include advice leave a mark on your brain, you will remember many times where and who gave you some advice and if you may have given it to someone too. This is how good friendships are made.

Ask people for advice, confide in them your worries, this is your map to turn a casual friendship into something special. So, ask for advice.

Ask people for advice, this is how great friendships can be made.
Ask people for advice, this is how great friendships can be made.

What if they ask for your advice? Do your best, but of course don't give advice if you don't know the subject. The words you say while giving advice can be very important, because the other person pays you more attention and sips your words, trusts you. So be careful, speak and give advice only where you are truly knowledgeable!

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