
5 Hair Care Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

How to wash your hair properly to make it healthier and shinier

Photo: envato

Proper hair care is essential not only for the aesthetic appearance, but also for the health of the scalp and hair. Below, with the help of experts, we present to you five common mistakes in hair care that you may not even be aware of, and why it is important to correct these mistakes.

Why proper hair care is important

Proper hair care is essential for maintaining health and beauty lawith Hair is an important part of our self-image and can have a huge impact on our self-confidence and overall well-being. Healthy hair is strong, shiny and free of split ends. Proper hair care involves using the right products, that match your hair type, regular trimming to prevent split ends, and protecting your hair from harmful influences such as sunlight, chlorinated water, and high temperatures when using dryers or straighteners.

Healthy hair is less prone to breakage and shedding, which means that with proper care, the density and length of the hair can be maintained. Proper hair care also includes scalp care. Improper care or the use of aggressive products can lead to problems such as dandruff, dry or oily scalp and itching. Regularly cleaning the scalp with mild shampoos, using nourishing conditioners and masks and avoiding excessive use of styling products can help maintain a healthy scalp.

Hair care mistakes you make

Photo; Grabowska/Pexels

1. You wash your hair instead of your scalp

One of the foundations of proper hair care is focusing on the scalp, not the hair. When we wash our hair, we often think that it is important to thoroughly clean the hair itself. However, the scalp and his health directly affects the health and appearance of hair. If the scalp is not cleaned properly, it can lead to a build-up of impurities and dead skin cells, which can hinder healthy hair growth.

2. You overuse scalp scrubs

Scalp exfoliation is important for removing dead skin cells and promoting blood circulation, but overdoing it can cause more harm than good. Too much aggressive cleaning can irritate the scalp, it leads to inflammation and even damages the hair follicles. The key to using exfoliants correctly is in moderation and choosing products that are suitable for your scalp type.

3. You use hair products with silicones

Silicones in hair products may give your hair shine and softness in the short term, but in the long run they can do more harm than good. Silicones can accumulate on the scalp and hair, which prevents the hair and scalp from "breathing" and receiving nutrients. This can lead to dry, brittle hair and even poor scalp health.

Photo: Natalia/Pexels

4. Apply excess heat to your hair

Using heat styling tools such as blow dryers, straighteners and curling irons that emit heat can harmful if used excessively. High temperatures can damage hair fibers, leading to dryness, breakage and even permanent damage. It is important to use heat protectants and limit the use of heat tools whenever possible.

5. You don't use scalp treatments

Just like the skin on the face, the scalp also needs regular care and moisturizing. Ignoring the needs of the scalp can lead to various problems, such as dryness, dandruff and even hair loss. Regular use of scalp treatments tailored to your specific needs can help maintain scalp health and promote the growth of strong, healthy hair.

Proper hair care it's more than just choosing the right shampoo or conditioner. It is understanding and taking into account the needs of your scalp and hair. By avoiding the above mistakes, you can take a big step towards improving the health and appearance of your hair. remember, that beautiful hair starts with a healthy scalp. Regularly evaluating your hair care habits and making adjustments when necessary will help keep your hair in the best possible condition.

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