
5 dating ideas to impress your partner

Photo: Lauren Hogue / Pexels

When we want to impress our partner with a date, we usually think of extravagant dinners and trips to faraway locations. However, you can also impress your chosen one in much simpler ways that will also show him how much you love him. We have prepared for you 5 ideas for dates with which you will charm your partner.

1. Cocktail competition

To treat yourself to delicious ones cocktails, you don't have to go to a bar or restaurant. It may well happen that they will get along much more she forgot, if in preparation try it yourself– and with each other they compete.
We suggest you choose something cocktails, read each other recipes for them and then them prepare each separately. In doing so, you can specify time limit, and at the end they find out together who did better. Laughter is guaranteed, and on such a date you will also learn preparation of delicious drinks, with which you can impress your friends at the next opportunity.

Laughter is guaranteed with cocktails Photo: Helena Lopes / Pexels

2. An evening of board games

Board game they are considered an activity where everyone can spend quality time family, but it can also bring you fun moments in two. We recommend that you choose a game that is haven't tried it yet or remember which one they adored the most like a child. You can spice up the activity with additional rules: the one who loses a piece, a card, or gets a certain number of points, should takes a sip alcoholic drinks.
Board games are also a great choice if you want to organize double or even triple date, that is, to invite a few more friends in love.

3. Spa evening

No, you don't really have to spa or spas. Spa evening you can prepare it right at home, and all you need for it is something imagination. You can decorate the bedroom with scented candles, rotate calm music and get dressed in comfortable clothes. Then they cheer each other up with a massage, get ready bath or play with face masks and the skin.
That way they will calmed down and released, but especially deep connected.

A spa night can bond you deeply Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

4. Holidays at home

There must be destination, which they dream of and which they saved on their list of things they want in life experience. Well, a fun date idea is to be it they bring the location right on home: for example, if you want to go to Hawaii, you can get dressed, as if you are really going there, you are turn up the music, which is typical for the islands, and prepare traditional dishes and popular tropical drinks.
We guarantee that you will be such a date forever remembered and at home during the holidays made me smile to tears

5. An evening under the stars

Is there anything more beautiful than sitting in lap the person we love the most and to watch at the same time starry sky? Such a date will allow you to really connect, they trust their own deepest thoughts and feel the love that burns between you without distractions. You can spend an evening under the stars the garden or terraces, but you can go to location in nature and watch the stars from there. Sweet moments can be spiced up with campfire and romantic movies.

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