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Photo: Pexels / Wolfart

5 key qualities of a womanizer: how to recognize him at first glance

Avoid emotional traps and recognize a womanizer!

Have you ever thought you found the one, but it turns out he's just another womanizer? Finding out the truth can be painful, but these five qualities can save you from an emotional shipwreck. Learn to recognize the signs and protect your heart from unpleasant surprises. These are the key qualities of a womanizer.

Life is full of surprises, especially in the area of love. We've all met a man who was perfect at first glance: charming, attentive and full of compliments. But what if after a while it turns out that his intention was only to charm and then disappear? Recognizing a womanizer is sometimes a challenging task, as they are extremely adept at concealing their true intentions. Their world is like a stage on which they play their game of seduction. In this article, we'll reveal five key traits that will help you identify a womanizer before you get too involved. If you've ever felt like you were one of the many, these tips will equip you with the knowledge to recognize these master manipulators and protect yourself from heartache.

A few years ago I met Mark, who was extremely attentive and always knew what to say. His words were as sweet as honey and I quickly fell in love. But soon I began to notice patterns that worried me. He was always surrounded by women, his phone was constantly ringing and his schedule was always busy. I wondered if I was just overly suspicious, but after talking to my friends, I realized that I wasn't the only one who was captivated by his charm. These experiences taught me to recognize the signs of a womanizer, which I will share with you below.

1. Too quick declaration of love: When I first met Mark, I was enchanted. He was built, charming and after the first week he started calling me "my love". I was flattered, but my friend warned me that this could be a sign that he is a womanizer. After a few weeks, I realized that I was not the only one who conquered her so quickly​​.

2. Constant need for attention and validation: Janez has always been active on social networks. His profile was full of flattering comments from other women, and he was always ready to flirt. When I asked him why he spends so much time on the phone, he said he was just being nice. I later learned that he sent similar messages to many women, which is typical of womanizers who always want attention and validation​​.

Photo: Pexels / Lokmansevim

3. Lack of emotional depth:  Women avoid deep emotional conversations. They prefer light and superficial conversations that allow them to maintain distance and control. My ex-boyfriend Miha was always extremely charming, but when I wanted to talk about serious things like our future together, he always changed the subject or started joking. I soon realized that he avoids all conversations that could lead to a serious relationship.

4. Overemphasis on appearance: Men who excessively groom themselves at every opportunity can be womanizers. They always want to look their best, even for the smallest of errands, hoping to attract the attention of new women. My friend Luka was obsessed with appearance, he always had to look flawless, even when we just went to the store to get milk. His obsession with appearance was a clear sign that superficial attraction was more important to him than a real relationship.

5. Lack of female friends: Womanizers often do not have female friends, as they perceive all women as potential conquest targets. The women in their lives are usually divided into those they already have, those they want to have, and family members. My ex-boyfriend Tomaž didn't have any girlfriends, all the women around him were somehow connected to his romantic ventures, which was a big red flag.

Photo: Pexels / Filiamariss

Conclusion: the qualities of a womanizer 

Recognizing a womanizer is not always easy, as they are masters of hiding their true intentions. However, observing these five key traits can help you identify a womanizer in time and protect yourself from heartache. It's important to trust your instincts and not overlook red flags, even if the person is perfect at first glance. Remember that you deserve someone who will truly appreciate you and your feelings. Guard your heart and pay attention to the signs that can save you a lot of pain.

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