
The 5 most common mistakes of Slovenian women that find a place in the conversations of Slovenian men

These are the sincere pains of Slovenian men, about which they remain silent!

Photo: envato

What do Slovenian men talk about over a beer when they do their wives' jobs.

Slovenes we are not so different from other European nations as they show men's conversations about women's "mistakes", which are talked about the most Slovenian man, when they get together in company and word to word.

When men relax with a beer or two, the word always finds a feminine gender as well. Often beautiful, but sometimes a little less so. These are mistakes that Slovenian men most often emphasize and confide in their fellow sufferers in confidential male conversations.

My wife's sexuality depends on hard work and housework!

Slovenian men are considered world slippers. We are the first in the world in this! In several surveys, they are ranked at the very top of the world when it comes to cooperation in household chores. Taking out the trash, cooking lunch and similar things are logical for a Slovenian man. You are not a true Slovenian and certainly not a good husband if you do not actively participate in these tasks. This is also why Slovenian women often tame and train their men by conditioning their sexual relations on their diligence and cooperation in household chores. So a man who doesn't take out the trash - shouldn't have sex. This topic often finds a place with beer. Slovenian men are simply afraid of an unsatisfied woman who longs for a clean and tidy home. And, if they don't please her, they are left in the dark. Here, a real Slovenian man wants his wife to want him even if he is not wearing slippers and in no way longs for sexual intercourse, which is the reward for taking out the trash.

Information from the web:
Slovenian men spend 114 minutes a day doing housework. Right behind us are the Danes, who spend 104 minutes in this type of work, while the Indians are in last place.


He doesn't understand why I like a clean car!

The division of tasks in a typical Slovenian household is extremely complicated. Also because true Slovenian men simply love their cars "too much". The whole world of conversation always revolves around these wonders on four wheels. This is also why we men often talk over a beer about the incomprehensible hatred of women towards our cars. Miha says: "When I clean her car, she doesn't even say thank you. The very next day, the tires are full of mud, and there is a lot of garbage on the disposal areas." What bothers Slovenian men the most is that, according to women, cleaning the car does not fall under the quota of housework and they cannot buy sexual relations with it.


He doesn't understand that I'm interested in sports

A thorn in the heels of Slovenian men is often (but not always) the time they devote to either watching sports or participating in sports activities. It is a real miracle if it is the wife who even encourages the man to exercise and play sports. We often see how very "pliable" the Slovenian man is, when many runners, with their foreheads on their heads at night or even before dawn, run and push themselves along the banks of the Slovenian mountains in order to be in the company of their families already for breakfast and that it would be so full wolf and goat whole. Just like a woman doesn't understand a man, a man doesn't understand why his wife doesn't want a fit man.


He claims I'm never home

We men have hobbies and many interests, but at the same time we can also have professions that require afternoon work and also weekend work. This is also why it often turns out that we are not present, although in reality Slovenian men would prefer to be with their families. This claim gets on the nerves of all men in the world, not just Slovenians.

He compares himself to others and emphasizes how others live

Slovenian men are much less burdened by neighbors and friends than our wives. Basically, we don't care what kind of oversized sweater the neighbor bought. This is also why various accusations of what some have and what we don't leave Slovenian men with mixed feelings. Criticisms due to the tone and manner often go in the direction of various financial complexes, which to us men often seem irrelevant. That's right!

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