
The 5 most common signs that someone is a narcissist

Narcissism is a psychiatric disorder that is characterized by the fact that a person suffering from narcissistic psychiatric disorder has an inflated image of himself, constantly needs confirmation from other people, such a person likes to fantasize about his multi-value, and also has a significant lack of empathy. In the article you can read a list of 5 signs that someone is a narcissist. Here, of course, it is necessary to bear in mind that only a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist can make an undisputed diagnosis.

We've all met them before: egotistical people who talk about themselves most of the time, demand our attention all the time, and rarely come to our aid when we're in trouble. These are just some of the characteristics of narcissists. Narcissistic personality disorder belongs to psychiatric diseases. People suffering from this disorder are characterized by having a grandiose image of themselves, preoccupied with fantasies of their own superiority, often reacting impulsively and suddenly, and lacking empathy. Especially the latter can greatly affect and even cause serious trauma to people who are in a relationship with a narcissist. You can read below The 5 most common signs that someone is a narcissist. Keep in mind that such behavior must be frequent and intense in order to classify someone as a narcissist. We are all selfish here and there, vain and insensitive to others, but that does not mean we are narcissistic.

Expects others to put his/her needs first.

Because narcissists are so self-obsessed and have very low empathy, which in practice means they simply don't know how to empathize with others, they expect the whole world to revolve around them. What does this mean in everyday life? They will expect constant adaptation from their loved ones, but they themselves will never give in and go against it. This can be very very destructive in the long run for someone who is in a close relationship with a narcissist.

They can't handle criticism.

Narcissists react angrily, arrogantly, impulsively and very defensively to criticism. They cannot handle even gentle, constructive and reasoned criticism.

Narcissists have a grandiose view of themselves.
Narcissists have a grandiose view of themselves.

They are very competitive.

People with narcissistic personality disorder are competitive in all areas. This is easier to understand if we know the actual structure of the narcissist's personality. In fact, narcissists have extremely low self-esteem, which poses such a threat to them that they "surrounded" it with an armor of a sense of multi-value as they grew up. When they are not at their best, it compromises this defense mechanism of theirs.

They often take advantage of others.

True narcissists are dangerous to those around them. They see other people only as a goal to confirm their idea of how wonderful, powerful and wonderful they are.

They are always right.

Just as narcissists can't stand defeat and criticism, they won't allow themselves to be wrong. They are often very good manipulators and can spin people who are emotionally involved with them around their finger for a long time so that the latter really think that they are to blame for the conflict and problems in their relationship.

Narcissists have no focus other than themselves.
Narcissists have no focus other than themselves.

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