
5 products you absolutely need if you want to achieve a natural eyebrow look

Did you know that the average eyebrow has around 250 hairs? This information gives us the answer to the question why women are so obsessed with their perfect shape. Because they have to tidy up so much hair. With these five products and tips on how to use them, you'll be able to do just that. Finally.

What do you need for perfect brows that don't look like choco banana slices?

A brush

The most important thing when grooming your eyebrows is a brush.
The most important thing when grooming your eyebrows is a brush.

The most important thing in grooming your eyebrows is brush. You can use it to shape your eyebrows as you wish. All that matters is that maintain the brush, as it gets dirty very quickly. Or buy more disposable brushes.


It is very important to use small scissors when trimming your eyebrows.
It is very important to use small scissors when trimming your eyebrows.

It is very important that at you use small scissors to trim your eyebrows. You will be with them removed protruding hairs. It is best to use the first one groom your eyebrows with a brush so that they follow the natural growth of the hairs, and then groom them with scissors.


Pluck those hairs that spoil the shape of the eyebrows.
Pluck those hairs that spoil the shape of the eyebrows.

After brushing and cutting hairs, it's time to polish the look of your brows by shaping them to pluck those hairs that spoil the shape of the eyebrows.

Eyebrow pencil

The task of the pencil is to create volume.
The task of the pencil is to create volume.

With pencils, it is very important that their color matches the color of your eyebrows, hair and skin tone. The quality of the pencil is too important, as you don't want the color to 'melt' on your brows. You want to achieve natural look! The task of the pencil is to create volume.

Eyebrow powder

Start with a lighter shade at the beginning of the brow and finish the brow with a darker shade.
Start with a lighter shade at the beginning of the brow and finish the brow with a darker shade.

The pencil does provide volume to the eyebrows, but it will only do so eyebrow powder created the most natural look. Start with a lighter shade at the beginning of the eyebrows and finish with a darker one.

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