
5+ proven ways to deal with difficult people

In a perfect world, everyone is sweet, fun, and laid back, but real life is full of different personalities and toxic people who hang around our necks and feed off our energy. And how to deal with such difficult people?

We all face difficult days at some point, we are reluctant and withdrawn, but the next day everything is back to normal. Unfortunately, this cannot be said for difficult people who are constantly emotionally charged and they often behave inconsistent with the situation. Their behavior can cause so conflicts, whose origin is not explained.

Such people, whose problematic behavior is ingrained, often have psychological disorders, which of course can only be solved by professional help. But there are also people whose difficulty is part of it personalities – we usually try to adapt to such people and do everything to make the outcome the best for all of us.

Even if difficult people drain our energy, there are ways to deal with them to walk. It is a learning process that will take some time, but once you master it, it will much easier, when you will face difficulties.

And how to deal with difficult people?
And how to deal with difficult people?

1. When you find yourself on the 'battlefield', it is very important that you are pay attention to breathing, because that's when you are most tense and internalize a stressful situation. Breathing can help you calm down and react differently to a situation. In isolation, breathe deeply through your nose so that your chest rises and falls. After five minutes back to the conversation.

2. You should never expect it to difficult person changed. Of course, it would be helpful if the person you are in conflict with realizes that they are the source of the problems, but it is likely that the person will start to realize their own mistakes very small. If the person you're waiting for is very late, find something to distract yourself instead of acting nervous, looking at the clock and pulling your hair.

Be careful not to be manipulated by the difficult person.
Be careful not to be manipulated by the difficult person.

3. Difficult people do they shift responsibility on you and will do absolutely anything to make their problems become yours. In such a situation, tell the person clearly and loudly what your concerns are and remind them what their concerns are.

4. In a healthy relationship, it seems strange to keep things to ourselves that we want so much to entrust to a loved one. In toxic relationships, it is better to keep things about yourself keep to yourself, because it can quickly happen that a person take advantage information it holds about you.

5. Pay attention to the fact that the difficult person does not manipulates. Before she tricks you into doing things for her that aren't beneficial to you, it's important to learn to say yes you will change your mind. In this way, you gain time and can think things through. It may be healthier to stay on the sidelines.

A difficult person will do everything in their power to make your life miserable.
A difficult person will do everything in their power to make your life miserable.

6. The fundamental thing you need to protect is your pleasure. A difficult person will do everything in their power to make your life miserable. It's true that happiness is a personal thing, but it can quickly happen to you who takes.

7. In addition to happiness, you must maintain common sense – the stress of a difficult person must not become your stress. When a person complains about their life, you don't solve their problem because it's not your problem.

8. If you really don't want to deal with a difficult person, it's best not to don't get involved in her problems – listen, don't comment on anything and move on.

Troubled people don't change because they have rigid thinking - they only pay attention to information that matches their thinking and there is no room for adjustments. It can also happen that the person is aware of what he is doing, but on purpose she won't make a change.

If a difficult person affects you a lot, it's best to leave them completely remove from his life. After all, you have to first take care of yourself. You will probably never make it with a person who is not ready to change a healthy relationship. Get rid of it as soon as possible and focus on healthy relationships that inspire you.

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