
5 Self-Made Billionaires Who Made $1 Billion Before 30

5 Self-Made Billionaires Who Took Over $1 Billion 30 Years Ago

Kylie Jenner is officially the youngest self-made billionaire. The entrepreneur and star of the reality show has set a new milestone - at the tender age of 21, she is worth just under a billion dollars. And what other young entrepreneurs managed to break the billion mark before the age of 30?

Forbes he confirmed – a 21-year-old Kylie Jenner, who we first met on the reality show Keeping up with the Kardashians and later launched a makeup line company Kylie Cosmetics by Kylie Jenner, has officially become the youngest self-made billionaire in the world, which exceeded 1 billion before the age of 30.

Online debates erupted, saying that Kylie became famous on the reality show and her we cannot attribute the title of self-made billionaire, but Forbers claims that with the word "self-made" he distinguishes between rich people who inherited property and those who earned themselves, where Kylie presumably belongs. Either way, one thing we can be sure of is that Jenner is following in the footsteps of some of the world's most famous billionaires, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Evan Spiegel, Larry Page and others whose bank account was multi-digit rich before the age of 30.

And what other self-made billionaires are there exceeded 1 billion before the age of 30?

Sergey Brin

Because of the Russian-American computer scientist and businessman Sergey Brin we all use now uncle google. Together with Larry Page, they raised a million dollars and years with the help of investors, friends and family 1998 established a corporation Google.

Brin is a few days before the supplement 31. made it to the list of billionaires before the age of 30, namely he was 2004 worthy 27 billion dollars.

Elizabeth Holmes

Elizabeth Holmes she is known to the world as the female version of Steve Jobs - not because of the science she did, but because of the way she dressed. Years 2014 she was listed by Forbes as a billionaire under 30. Her property was then worth almost 5 billion dollars, she earned it with the company Theranos, in which laboratory analyzes are performed on a very small sample of blood.

Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes

Eduardo Saverin, at 28

A brilliant computer scientist Eduardo Saverin it is co-founder of the social network Facebook. He crossed the magic line at the age of 28, thanks to the 5 % share of shares in the company Facebook. Zuckerberg "cut off" Eduardo and sued, claiming that the stock agreement was invalid. Saverin did not wait - he too sued Zuckerberg for spending Facebook's money on personal matters. In 2009, both lawsuits were settled. It is not known what exactly they agreed upon.

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POWER OF PLATFORMS AND VENTURE CAPITALISTS …..The dispensation of Acceleration. There are over 7 billion phones in the world with data that can reach all of them today! A company can be born today and become global in 24 hours! Accelerating business paths to the global market appears to be the key question for the new entrepreneur. Beat it! Eduardo Saverin, Cofounder of Facebook and B-Capital Group, many don't know him like they know Mark Zuckerberg, but this guy is equally a fantastic guy. We just listened to him talk about the first mover advantage and how companies that make first moves must learn to be the second. He didn't actually say it that way, but this is my interpretation. It took facebook 4 years to reach the 100 million consumer mark, whereas, it took Instagram only 2 years! It took Gaming, an application company on Facebook just 40 days to reach 100 million users! First mover may also mean opening road for many to be able to do much more. Let's come back home… Now what I see at work is beyond technology. We have seen public sector leaders here deny private sector start ups licenses because they basically think it will give the start up's founders ethnic group an 'unfair' advantage. Yes! We have also seen big companies deny start up's access to their platform because they think such start ups will be moving too fast in growth. Where they are not saying this, they want 90% of your business or will steal the concept and make a mess of it. In universities, we see lecturers who insist on the hard way. Why do Africans always think that the hard way is the best and only way? Why does it appear that our head is for carrying load? What exactly is it that makes us want life to be hard for others? Why must everything be so though to the Africans? Anyway, what Eduardo Saverin just made me understand now is that Platforms must start to collaborate if they want exponential growth. Technology now builds on each other, they no longer replace each other. The dispensation of Acceleration is here. #facebook #bcap #brandstory #brandstorynigeria #lagosbrandsfestival #acceleration #collaboration #globalbrands #asia #eduardosaverin

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Bobby Murphy

To Bobby Murphy you should be thankful that you can use filters and popular network today Snapchat! In cooperation with Evan Spiegel (who also achieved billionaire status before the age of 30) are years 2011 founded a company where Bobby looks after the engineering, production and research teams. Years 2015 made it to the list of billionaires under 30, namely at 27 years.

Evan Spiegel (left) and Bobby Murphy.
Evan Spiegel (left) and Bobby Murphy.

Mark Zuckerberg, at 23

Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg, who one day created the most famous social network in the world out of boredom with his friends, once probably only dreamed of being where he is now. We can only wonder how he will react when he finds out that, as of this week, he is no longer the youngest self-made billionaire to surpass 1 billion before turning 30. He managed to do that for years 2008 at 23 years.

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