
5 Signs You're a Starseed

More than 8 million different species of living creatures live on Earth, and that's just on our planet. There is a high probability that there is at least one planet with life in the infinite universe. And given how small we are and how little we know about the existence of all living and non-living things, we can hardly claim to know the answers to the big questions—like what happens after we die. One possibility is reincarnation. If reincarnation is true and if there are other planets with living beings, it is possible that some of the souls appear on Earth for the first time - this concept is called "starseed" and there are many theories and research attempts about it. In the article, you can read 5 signs that indicate that you are a "starseed", a soul from another planet.

5 signs that indicate that you are a "starseed":

The feeling that you don't belong in society

The feeling that you often don't belong in society is one of the signs that your soul is on Earth for the first time. Many starseeds feel disconnected from their family and friends. Of course, the feeling of not belonging can also mean many other things.

You don't understand social norms

Some reincarnation researchers believe that a lack of understanding of social norms is sometimes a reflection of the "starseed." If these social norms are often not understandable, it is possible that the reason is that you came from another planet. Making new contacts is uncomfortable for you, and you can't get away with gossiping.

You have a poor understanding of economic and political systems

If you have a poor understanding of wider social systems, even though you grew up in them and studied them, this is one of the possible indicators that you are a "starseed". Of course, a much more likely explanation is that economic and political systems are complex concepts that require long and persistent study to truly understand.

You remember past lives

Some believe that if you experience frequent past life images, often involving places that are by no means of this world, you may have lived on another planet in a previous life.

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Starseeds are supposed to be souls from other planets
Starseeds are supposed to be souls from other planets.

You are very empathetic

If you have a very keen sense of other people, connect quickly with their feelings and are almost magically intuitive, you may be a "starseed".

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