
5 signs that you have a good relationship with your child

Photo: Xavier Mouton/Unsplash

One of the most difficult things in the life of a working parent is the balance between private and work. Positive relationships between you and your child are built on quality time spent and quality time spent. No matter how old your child is, spending time together is the only way you can share experiences, thoughts and feelings and bond on a higher level. A quality relationship is based on trust and respect and these are signs that you have done a good job and developed a strong relationship with your child

He is happy to see you

If your child jumps into your arms as soon as you get home from work, it's a sign that you are established a good connection. Educational psychologist Elanna Yalow points out that the relationship between you and your child is not healthy if your going to work is a trauma for the child. But if your leaving home and a short separation from your child does not cause negative feelings, and his return from work evokes joy and enthusiasm in him, means that your relationship has a good foundation.

It turns to your voice

The process of connecting mother and child begins already in the womb. Babies learn to recognize voices before birth, so you often hear that it's good to talk to your baby during pregnancy. If your baby turns to you when you talk, it means that you have built a very good foundation in your relationship.

When he is with you, he explores the environment

Toddlers and preschoolers show signs of secure attachment, when they are ready away from you and explore the world around you. Sure, they'll look every few moments to see if you're close, but being a few feet away from you won't be a problem. For example, if you come to a new playground where there are already many children, and your child easily lets go of your hand and starts exploring the new space, it means that he trusts you and feels safe.

Positive relationships between you and your child are built on quality time spent and quality time spent.
Photo: Jessica Lewis/Unsplash

He shows his emotions

Have you ever experienced a situation where a teacher praises your child at a parent-teacher conference and describes him as a happy, cute, friendly and energetic being, and you feel as if talking about another child? This is a sign that you have not created a good connection and that the child is not maximally relaxed around you. It's not easy to teach a child how to manage their emotions, so it should be a frequent topic of conversation. If the child can easily tell you when he is happy and satisfied, and when he is sad and disappointed, it means that you have created a quality and healthy connection.

Ask for help

Children are curious by nature and usually want to be older than they are, so they will rarely ask for your help in overcoming the everyday obstacles they face. Seeking your help, opinions, advice or guidance means your little one is valued your insight into the situation and he believes that you will help him. The next time your child asks you for help with their math homework, remember that this is a sign that you have a good connection that will develop over the years and create an enviable relationship between you two.

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