
5 hidden flaws that always make you feel like you have nothing to wear

Photo: envato

Every morning the same story: the closet is full, but it seems as if you have nothing to wear. The feeling is frustrating and tempts you to go on another shopping spree. But before you open your wallet, think - you might be making one of these five common mistakes when dressing and shopping for clothes.

Wardrobe building mistakes are common, but fortunately also easily fixable. With a few thoughtful choices, you can turn your wardrobe into a source of daily satisfaction and efficiency. Next time you go shopping, think about long-term utility and quality. This way, you will be able to get more out of your closet, with less stress when choosing your daily outfit in the morning. In the end, you might be surprised, how much easier it is to choose the right garment, when your closet is not too full, but thoughtfully composed.

1. You buy trends, not timeless pieces

Fashion trends come and go at lightning speed. If your wardrobe is based mainly on current fads, you will quickly find that your clothes are out of date as soon as a new trend hits the catwalks.

They are the opposite of trendy pieces timeless pieces such as well-tailored blazers, classic shirts and quality trousers, which not only survive the fashion season, but are also easier to combine. An investment in timeless pieces is an investment in the long-term satisfaction of your wardrobe.

Photo: Anastasia/Pexels

2. You buy low quality products

Price and quality are often in proportion. While it's tempting to pick up five t-shirts at a discounted price, they're often made from materials that lose their shape or color quickly. Low quality parts wear out quickly and need to be replaced more often.

It's better invest in a smaller number of better quality pieces, which will not only look like new for longer, but will also be more comfortable to wear.

3. You don't have enough basics

Basic pieces are the foundation of every functional wardrobe. These are clothes that can be easily combined into different styles and are suitable for many occasions. If you find that you often face the problem of "having nothing to wear", you may not have enough basic pieces in your wardrobe. Basics like white t-shirts, good quality jeans, neutral sweaters and simple dresses, they are key to the diversity of your fashion combinations.

Photo: Liza/Pexels

4. Hold on to clothes you no longer wear

If your closet is bursting at the seams, but you still can't find anything to wear, it might be time for a purge. Clothes, that you haven't worn in more than a year, you probably won't wear anymore. We keep some pieces for sentimental reasons or because we hope we will be right for them again someday, but these pieces just take up space. Refreshing the wardrobe can bring a fresh look and make it easier to choose a daily wardrobe.

5. You buy unnecessary pieces

Do you often find yourself shopping? things "just in case"? It's a common trap: buying a fancy dress for a special occasion that hasn't been decided yet, or choosing clothes for potential events. Such purchases can lead to the accumulation of pieces in your closet that you never wear. A more thoughtful and focused design of your wardrobe can ensure that your clothes will always be useful and according to your lifestyle.

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