
5+ Tattoos of the Most Famous Celebrities: What Are Their Meanings?

Thanks to celebrities showing their body tattoos to the public, tattooing has become an art and is less and less talked about in a bad context. It's true that some people don't like beautiful tattoos and we may collectively loathe them, but they chose it because it has a strong meaning to them. And Hollywood stars are no exception in this case. Because it is the meaning that counts more than the appearance.

We may sometimes feel that a certain tattoo has no meaning - well, maybe it really doesn't for us, but to the person who made it, it counts a lot. Even Hollywood stars have always surprised us with their tattoos, so we have collected photos of 8 stars who got a tattoo with a reason, and found what their secret meaning is.

Angelina Jolie: coordinates

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie has a number of tattoos on her body that depict things that are important to her, including a tattoo on her shoulder that represents the coordinates of the places where her closest family members were born.

City in Cambodia ‒ eldest son Maddox
City in Ethiopia ‒ Zahara's daughter
Namibia ‒ daughter of Shiloh
Vietnam ‒ son of Pax
France - twins Knox and Vivienne
Oklahoma ‒ the city where Brad Pitt was born

Miley Cyrus: Dog

Every tattoo Miley Cyrus has on her body depicts the things she loves. So we can see a picture of her dog on her elbow. The tattoo on her cartilage is also interesting - the word love, which means love, symbolizes her desire to listen to only the positive things in life and avoid the negative ones.

Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus

Lady Gaga: Mouse

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga confided that she dedicated the mouse tattoo on her elbow to her sister Natalie. When they were little girls, Gaga called her that. The mouse has a needle in its hand, representing Natalie's love of designing clothes.

Brooklyn Beckham: The Family Code

Beckham's eldest son Brooklyn has a tattoo with a powerful message, the numbers representing the birth dates of his siblings: 02 - Romeo, 05 - Cruise, 11 - Harper.

Megan Fox: Shakespeare

Megan Fox
Megan Fox

"We will all laugh at gilded butterflies" (engl. We will all laugh at gilded butterflies) is a phrase from Shakespeare's play King Lear. As Megan said, this phrase always reminds her to stay grounded.

Emma Stone: battle with cancer

Emma Stone and her mother both have a tattoo of a bird's feet on their wrists, as her mother won her battle with cancer. The tattoo was done by Paul McCartney and was inspired by the song Blackbird, which is said to be Emma's mother's favorite song.

Cara Delevingne: made in England

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Made in England! Finally… @bangbangnyc

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Made in England is the tattoo Cara has inked on her left foot. With this painting, she wanted to express her feelings about the fashion world - as she believed, many people treat models as if they were dolls or objects. Made in England symbolizes the code because Cara is supposed to be a doll.

Vin Diesel: Angel

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The Fast and the Furious is a movie that we've probably all seen. We met Vin and his friend Paul, who lost his life in a car accident in 2013. He dedicated a tattoo to him, namely an angel with eyes.

Ariana Grande: 7 rings

7 rings
7 rings

It's been a while Ariana Grande recorded a hit 7 rings, who also agreed to number one on the Billboard Hot 100. She did because of the song a tattoo in Chinese kanji characters, which they use both on China and Japan. Hers a thief should represent a song 7 rings, but in reality it is supposed to be written on her palm barbecue. Each letter individually is supposed to represent the seven and rings, but when you put the word together, it's supposed to mean barbecue.

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