
5 Ways to Cure Your Smartphone Addiction

Addiction to smartphones

How dependent we are on smartphones is evidenced by the fact that the average person checks their phone as many as 150 times a day. This is quite an interesting fact and an even more interesting relationship in our lives. If we are constantly looking for confirmation of our ego online or disrespectfully annoy our interlocutor by constantly hiding our face behind the smartphone screen, it may be time for a digital "detox". Here are five techniques you can use to change your relationship with your smartphone and kick your smartphone addiction.

Five techniques that will help change your attitude towards your smartphone and break your addiction to it.

1. Download an application that tells us how many times we check our phone.

We may not think we have a problem with checking our phone or that we are addicted to it, but when we see the actual numbers, it will become clear to us immediately. There are several apps available, among others Checky (free for iOS and Android) where you can track your activity on your phone. The numbers may surprise us.

2. Let's use the "in the plane" mode.

If we want to really focus on the task at hand, we can use the "in-flight" mode. This means that we will be unavailable, and our attention will be directed to the task at hand.

3. We measure the time we spend on the phone.

This is a slightly less drastic technique. Let's try to "stomp" while performing certain tasks. For example, we can decide to answer e-mail twice a day - one or two hours in the morning and one or two hours in the afternoon. When we take a break from a busy day, we can check if there is any mail that requires an immediate response, or wait until the hour we set aside to respond to email.

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4. Let's think about what we want to receive notifications for.

If we want to live in the moment, feel and know what is happening around us now, then it certainly helps not to be interrupted by such and other notifications on the smartphone. Therefore, let's consider which applications are really important to us, and for the rest, we can simply silence the notifications.

5. Consider buying another smart device.

If we do not want to be dependent on the smartphone and if we really want to break the addiction, we can try another smart device, such as a smart watch, smart ring or smart bracelet. These are the devices that will change our relationship with the smartphone and bring us back to the moment, allowing us to receive emails, texts and calls only from the people we want them to.

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