
5 things about your relationship that must remain a secret

Photo: envato

Humans are social creatures and this is best seen when we go through the happiest and most tragic moments. Joy becomes even more beautiful if we share it, and the advice and comfort of those closest to us help the most in times of trouble. However, there are things that are best kept to ourselves and a good example of this is what happens in a love relationship. Here are 5 things that are best kept between you and your partner.

1. Secrets and intimate feelings

In healthy, happy relationships, our partner is also ours best friend, which we can trust secrets and feelings, which we don't talk about with others.
If your partner trusts you with a secret, don't spread it around. He trusted you with a reason and most likely it would not be easy on his heart if what he told you only began to spread by word of mouth. In a partnership, we also trust each other with our own the deepest, the most intimate feelings. Even for you, it's best to keep them to yourself.

In healthy relationships, a partner is also our best friend Photo: Blue Bird / Pexels

2. Arguments and heated discussions

Every couple is faced with quarrels and misunderstandings, even the ones that look the most perfect. The most important thing is to solve the problem with your partner beautiful and respectful manner save and to each other dismiss. Since only the two of you are present in your arguments, it is not necessary that each detail you explain to your friends. Maybe your partner too they will not forgive together with you and will be for some time looked sideways.

Attention: if it is happening in your relationship violence, this he can not remain a secret. It takes a lot to speak up courage, but that's the way things will be improved, relatives and institutes dedicated to this will also help you with such a relationship to leave.
Remember: you are nobody he doesn't deserve it suffer in to silence.

3. Intimacy

Yours bedroom is reserved only for the two of you and many people would not feel the most comfortable if the others found out about the moments that happen in it. Besides, many don't want to hear it either every detail from intimate life your friends.

Your bedroom is a place just for you Photo: Claudia van Zyl / Unsplash

4. Financial difficulties

Financial problems can occur in life just about everyone and no way they don't mean personal defeat that we should to be ashamed. Nevertheless, many people are mistaken if the rest they find out for their financial situation, so you better not talk about it, especially if you don't agree about it discussed with a partner.

It is also generally believed that it is best for finances to remain yours a personal thing. Unfortunately, there are many people who will try take advantage of both an abundance of resources and someone else's desperation. Be careful. If you have decided to ask someone close to you for financial aid, it is best to talk about it first you consult with your partner, especially if your finances are shared.

5. Shortcomings and qualities that bother you in your partner

No matter how much you love your partner, you can definitely find something in them property, which you at least a little bit it disturbs. No one it is not perfect and that goes for him too. However, you will eventually come to these kinds of shortcomings used to, so there is no need to explain them to others. You can also use this to your partner you hurt, especially when it comes to things about which he himself is not the best self-confident.


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