
5 things that must remain between you and your partner: don't EVEN DREAM of sharing these secrets with your friends

5 things that must remain between you and your partner: don't EVEN DREAM of sharing these secrets with your friends

There is probably nothing better than finding a person you can trust and your relationship is based on reciprocity... but that doesn't mean you have to trust them with absolutely everything in your life. Some information MUST remain between you and your partner only!

Mutual sharing of secrets with people you trust it's a completely normal thing. In this way, you ease the pain and get rid of the burden. However, as you probably know, there are also things that would be better keep it to yourself. For countless reasons.
Ask yourself, why should your friends know about every detail of your dating life?

... he does not EVEN DREAM of sharing these secrets with his friends

1. Details of your fights.

Arguments are not for the public eye. By doing this, it is not the two of you who are solving the problem, but the person you trusted with information about the problems you are having in the relationship. And then you and your partner will also have trouble dealing with problems, because you won't know how to deal with them.

It can also happen that your friends (un(willingly)) incite you against your partner. If your partner is making you nervous about something, it's only natural that you'll confide in someone about your problems, but there has to be a line. Your anger will subside and you will forget the words you said about your partner, but we friends will not.

Details of your fights.
Details of your fights.

2. Information about your sex life.

Why should your friends know what your partner's favorite position is? What are his fantasies? What happens in bed stays there, because it is the most intimate act that MUST stay between you.

Your sex life should not become the subject of other people's thoughts. If you're having problems in bed, you two need to talk about it, not the whole village. If you see that you cannot solve the problems, get the help of a therapist who will ensure discretion and will really help you.

3. The partner's shortcomings and bad habits.

Nobody's perfect, so it's perfectly normal that your partner will have flaws that you'll have to get used to. If you love him of course! And, of course, don't talk about it with anyone, because information about your partner's behavior can affect how your friends perceive your better half.

It is better to talk to your partner and try to solve the problems, not to friends who are not even with you every day and cannot objectively assess the situation and give you advice.

Partner's shortcomings and bad habits.
Partner's shortcomings and bad habits.

4. What is your salary.

Why should your friends know how much you make? As long as other people don't pay your bills, you don't have to pay them to anyone. You know that talking about money is a double-edged sword. If you earn more, they will envy you- If you earn less, your friends will consider you more, pity you or make fun of you.

If you want to maintain consistency in your marriage, it's much better to keep salary information to yourself. Ask yourself, would your partner like to know that you're going around explaining what his financial situation is?

5. Private information shared only with you.

When your partner entrusts you with information of a private nature, you should not even think of sharing it around. Otherwise, you will lose trust, which is a sacred thing.

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