
5 things you will learn thanks to a strict mom

5 Things You'll Learn Thanks to Your Strict Mom

Every child thinks that they have the strictest mother in the world, who does not approve of anything and her word is the last. You have probably told yourself countless times that you will be different when you become a parent one day. And then over the years you realized you'd be doing the exact same things your mom did because she was damn right.

If you have become a parent, you probably remember when you spoke, that you will never be like this like your mother was ‒ STRICT. Then you got it a child! You may not have children (yet). over the years and with wisdom, you have come to the conclusion that your mother was not that strict after all, but it is did everything out of love.

Thank your mom for these 5 things you'll learn from her rigor.

1. Don't give up.

Don't give up.
Don't give up.

You probably are too attended a music school or played some kind of sport. You wanted to to give up and enroll in some other activity. Mom didn't want to listen to you, because she knew you would get bored quickly. She insisted that yes you continue with the original activity, which will be to you helped shape your personality and she will have positive impact in the future as well.

2. Be a child.

Be a child.
Be a child.

While your friends are already at For 15 years, they held hands with sympathy and cuddled each other, have you been wondering why can't you do it too. Because your mother isprohibited'. At the time, you felt terrible that you were the only one without sympathy, but mom knew that you are a child and you should behave like one. She believed that you would be just like that experienced real childhood, because children grow up too fast.

3. Work hard to achieve what you want.

Work hard to achieve what you want.
Work hard to achieve what you want.

If you are had a hobby that made you happy, she is your mother encouraged, to persevere and become the best. She wanted you to learn fight for yourself and show you how to become independent. You know that you will get nothing in life served on a tray.

4. Play in nature.

Play outside.
Play outside.

You probably don't have a mother allowed, Yes you spend time with smart technologies. Forces village is to be you play in nature because she wanted you to become creative, active and independent.

5. The weekend is a time for family.

The weekend is family time.
The weekend is family time.

The family is in first place. If you've ever thought about getting hidden in the room when you had visitors, your mother did not allow you to do so ‒ she wanted to you are making a living time together with those closest to you, because it is family the only thing you can always turn to.

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