
5 things you should never Google

The Google search engine has become an almost indispensable part of our lives. With it, we search and find almost everything we are interested in. But is it really suitable for absolutely everything? Here are 5 things you shouldn't be Googling.

5 things you should never Google:

1. Google is not our doctor.

Do not attempt to self-diagnose. Also, don't do it for friends or family members. There is a good reason why people spend years studying medicine. It often happens that people give themselves the wrong diagnosis, which can have unpleasant consequences.

2. Google is not a consultant for our problems.

Whatever question we ask, we will get such an answer. That means there's no point in asking Google how long the average penis is and the like.

Google is not your doctor.
Google is not your doctor.

3. Google is a scam.

Our browsing history is always available to him, even if we are in incognito mode. So if you search for something that might be dangerous, Google will most likely report you.

4. Google is an archive of disgusting photos.

Google is full of disgusting photos that will honestly make you sick. So be careful what you're looking for.

Don't Google things that can get you reported by Google.
Don't Google things that can get you reported by Google.

5. Google is an archive of your public data.

If you Google your name or email address, you will be shown all the places where you are publicly mentioned, and you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. You can ask Google to 'forget' you, but sooner or later there will certainly be a page where you enter your email address. Even if in incognito mode.

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