
5 types of coffee, 5 personalities: what does the coffee you prefer to drink say about you?

Whether coffee is good or bad for us is an eternal debate that will probably never end. If you drink it, then you probably know why. What does your favorite coffee say about your personality?



Drinkers of this type of coffee are seekers comforts and they are relaxed. They are still children at heart and smile even when it comes to serious matters. They like to cuddle and wear comfortable clothes, and we will most likely find cats in their home as well.



They are espresso drinkers working and great leaders. They are always on the move and in a hurry. These are people who are also quick and decisive in conversation. They don't procrastinate and won't be happy if things aren't done the way they should be.



People who drink cappuccino are sociable, creative and optimistic, they are also good at multitasking. You can expect various artistic creations from them, especially in the form of origami and doodles. The cafe is their second home.

Black coffee

Black coffee
Black coffee

Black coffee drinkers are quiet and capricious, purists and from time to time also extroverted. They are mysteries, but you will usually see them wearing the same outfit, just in different colors. They do not deviate from what they love, even if it is outdated. But you won't think they are tight-lipped: there is always a colorful cup on their table, and colorful socks on their feet.

Ice coffee

Ice coffee
Ice coffee

They are iced coffee drinkers confident. They have no problem taking responsibility and have no time for trifles or drama. They are trendsetters.


  • On average, around 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide each year.
  • The most cups of coffee per capita are said to be drunk in the Scandinavian countries, so Finns are said to drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day.
  • After oil, coffee is the second most valuable export commodity for developing countries, and the global coffee industry earns approximately $60 billion annually.
  • It is grown in more than 50 countries around the world (South America, Central America, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean), and coffee is the only source of income for approximately 25 million farmers worldwide.
  • The first form of coffee, a strong drink made from ground coffee beans boiled in water, is said to have been prepared in the Ethiopian highlands in the 9th century

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