
5 types of 'toxic' people we don't need in our lives

Our relationships—casual, romantic, friendly—affect us far more than we realize. The people around us can change us, both positively and negatively. If we are unhappy and feel like life is beating us down, then it may actually be the result of one of our relationships. That's why we need to remove such people from our lives, and here are five types of 'toxic' people we really don't need.

What types of people do we not need in our lives?

Those who always say "let's get together" never get there.

In life, we must make time for what counts. If someone doesn't make an effort to spend some time with us, then we are not that important to them. It's a harsh reality, but we need to stop making excuses for why the other person never gets to date. Instead, let's focus on relationships with those who are a part of our lives and intend to remain so.

Nobody waits forever.
Nobody waits forever.

Those who want to defeat us.

Moving forward, they got a new job. If we have a great date, they are engaged. If we get a traffic ticket for wrong parking, they explain to us how terrible it was 10 years ago when they had a car accident. Their birthday is simply more important than ours. So if someone can't be happy for us without bragging about their achievements, then we don't need them in our lives.

We don't need people who always want to defeat us.
We don't need people who always want to defeat us.

The ones we shouldn't trust.

Trust is vital in relationships, and once it's lost, it's almost impossible to get back. People who keep doing things must also be doing things behind our backs and sharing with others the things we have entrusted to them. Although relationships with such people are not completely impossible, we should rather avoid them. We will never know if they are completely open with us.

We don't need contractors either.
We don't need contractors either.

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Those who do not support us.

We should be surrounded by people who are with us in good and bad times. People who leave us when it is most difficult are not worthy of our attention. Nor are those who cannot be happy for our successes or who do not help us when things go wrong.

We should have people who support us.
We should have people who support us.

Those who are always the victim.

Such people keep bombarding us with excuses. It's never their fault, and their mistakes in the past are almost certainly ours too. These are people who believe that the whole world has conspired against them. Being an adult means knowing when we 'messed up', taking responsibility for it and doing our best to correct the mistakes. If people never take responsibility, they will almost certainly never change, and it is better to cut them out of our lives.

We also eliminate people who like to play the victim.
We also eliminate people who like to play the victim.

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