
5 Unexpected Things That Are Harming Your Sex Life

Here are five unexpected things that can affect your sex life very negatively!

Did you know that cold feet can affect your sex life and that men with a high body mass index have a harder time getting an erection? Even cyclists who are healthy in all respects can reduce the ability of sexual arousal.

Cold feet

Scientists have recently discovered some surprising factors that play a very important role in sex life. For example, it was found that cold feet make sexual pleasure more difficult. Scientists from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands thus claim that it is desirable that they are feet warm before and during intercourse, because the part of the brain that regulates sexual pleasure is close to the one that records the temperature of our feet. So make sure the room is warm, get blankets and put on socks.

Cold feet can be to blame for a decrease in sex drive.


One American study published on oprah.com found that intercourse (penetration) in men with a high body mass index took longer, on average over seven minutes. On the other hand, it takes less than two minutes for lean men. This difference is due to the larger amount the female hormone estradiol, which is present in the bodies of fatter men. As a result, the male genital organ is less irritable and reaches ejaculation more slowly. Slim men, on the other hand, have more testosterone, which speeds up ejaculation. The good side of thinness is that such men can compare to fatter ones they achieve an erection more often.


Cycling is healthy in every way... except that it is supposed to reduce sexual tension in both sexes. Long-term cycling has long been known to make it harder for men to get an erection, but thanks to scientists in Texas, we now also know that women who ride more than 15 kilometers on a bike with a higher seat and lower handlebars lose feeling of irritation in the genital area. Leaning positions put pressure on important points in the body, so get a bike that allows you to ride in a more upright position.

Cycling is also said to cause problems with genital irritability in women.

"Toxic" toys

More experienced and playful women often introduce accessories into the sexual act, but what if they harm the sexual drive because of their chemical composition? Dutch researchers found in 85 percent of the sex toys they studied high concentration of phthalates. This is the group of chemicals that make plastic soft, flexible and moldable. Phthalates harm your sex life by lowering testosterone and libido (don't be fooled, testosterone is important in women too). If you use a vibrator and suspect it contains phthalates, put a condom on it or throw it away and buy one made of glass, silicone, metal or wood.

Oral hygiene

Unpleasant smells reduce the desire for sex, that much is clear. This applies both to the smell of the human body and certainly to the odors that come from our mouths. Poor oral hygiene but inhibits sex life in another way: men with gum disease, which is often the result of neglect of the oral cavity, are three times more likely to erectile dysfunction like their peers with healthy gums. Bacteria that accumulate in an improperly cleaned mouth enter the bloodstream, clog blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the male genital organ. If that's not enough motivation for your to maintain the health of his oral cavity, remind him that these bacteria can harm also the heart.

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