
5 ways to give your ideas wings

Excuses we use when we lack ideas or creativity and which we will look at below, they are like fear - they are hollow inside, but there is nothing outside. Most of us have a head full of ideas, but most of them stay there. Why? Because others can't see them there, because they are in a safe haven. But we know that ships were not built to be anchored in the harbor, so it is necessary to raise the anchor and send the ideas to the open sea.

Don't worry, by the end of this article you will be a great captain of your own ideas and you will be in control of the 'waves' and ready for any 'storm' that may await them as they travel towards another gulf.

Get ideas out of your head. If you don't trust them enough at the start, at least put them on paper. But let this not be their last stop, but only a springboard.
Get ideas out of your head. If you don't trust them enough at the start, at least put them on paper. But let this not be their last stop, but only a springboard.

If you admit it or not you have a ton of ideas. But it seems that some still have more of them than others. Why? Because they bring them to the surface. It's like they say if it's not on Facebook, it doesn't exist. And if the ideas are 'only' in yours to the head, technically they don't exist. So why not let them breathe so they can be more than just tadpoles blindly twitching their heads? Because they have no enemies here, because they don't need to make friends, because they fear the test that awaits them, because they are not ready for criticism. That's why there are so few people with such brilliant ideas. Because these are the most risky, the most 'dangerous', the most interesting, and only a few are man enough to get them out of cerebral 'Alcatraz'. Sometimes they swim up to notebook, to Photoshop, but only a few make it further. Because they are afraid that they will get lost in the jungle of opinions, hey, you don't have them. And so they die slow deaths on paper, screen or already in hemispheres. But it's time to give them a better fate. If you suffer from any of the following things, follow the instructions below and you will realize that they are mainly held back by irrational fears.

So why? creativity or ideas die on meals and how to cure it?

1. Ideas are unfinished

Unfinished ideas or flashbacks they can be great clogs of creativity. Although it may be about a brilliant embryo, however, can quickly become a victim of its own frustrations. It may be about to bloom, but something is bothering it. Such premature babies should be carefully treated to nurture, like the real ones in the incubator. It is necessary to talk about it outside the head. Because if you're stuck, sometimes just one opinion is enough to move on. Otherwise, the wheels are spinning.

Our head is a veritable anthill of ideas.
Our head is a veritable anthill of ideas.

How to deal with this?
This may seem counterproductive, but the idea is necessary to speak, to debate, it is necessary knead like plasticine. It should be put on the grate. Post it on social media or otherwise get it out there. Let her breathe, let her find herself in this cruel world. That way you will get it quickly the answer whether she is worth keeping alive or not.

2. It's too hard

Ideas are not something that grows on a tree. They are not in a room where you go and take the right one off the shelf. Ask the writer. The fact that the written word is his bread, his oxygen, does not mean that at some point he will not have a problem writing something and will be gasping for air. Sometimes words fail and then it takes an extraordinary effort to break through to the right ones, to grammatical life jackets. The ideational convulsion of writing is something that all of us who have ever written love letters or sms or job application.
How to deal with this?
The best solution is yes you simply start. To start writing. Whatever. If you just stare at a blank sheet of paper or flashing cursor on the screen, you will only deepen the pit you dug for yourself, and then fall into it. Write down the title, introduction, put only the key words on paper. Something! You will see, soon the floodgates will rise and yours stream of thought will be full of ideas again.

3. I focus too much on others

Reading books, newspapers, online content, it's all there food for the soul. Above all, books feed a person with a certain energy that is unique to them. But at the same time, it can also be depressing, because we get the feeling that all the good ideas have already been taken, that all the good sentences have already been written. Many of us suffer so much for you "impostor syndrome", the great enemy of our progress, who 'claims' that we are less worthy than the rest.
How to deal with this?
The works of others shall not be yours to the burden. Extend them as you extend a good sauce with flour and water. We all have something to say, and it is our responsibility, but above all, our privilege, to add our own voice to what has already been said. So it is up to us to find in others inspiration and with its help we create something new. After all, every thing is remix. These are not plagiarisms. Even the most sophisticated and beautiful sentences are mere a string of words from the dictionary, but they are still unique creations, even if from words they do not own.

The book should be a source of inspiration, not a crucible that feeds your sense of inferiority.
The book should be a source of inspiration, not a crucible that feeds your sense of inferiority.

4. Something always distracts me

How many times have you peeked at Facebook or Twitter, to get to this point in the article? Did you maybe go for a coffee in between, have lunch, take the dog for a walk? If you nodded to at least one of the above, then answer this one. Is it you when you are concentrated? Disruptors they are a fact these days and it's up to us to stand up to them. Are you strong enough? Once they fought the enemy with sword and shield, today we fight the refrigerator, Facebook, Twitter, and the list of temptations never ends. The world we live in, ladies and gentlemen. You want it or you don't.

Oh yes, 21st century problems.
Oh yes, 21st century problems.

How to deal with this?
Because quarantine is not a convenient solution, something more practical had to be found. The best solution is to create artificial pressure. Yes, we know, as if 'natural' is not enough. And yet. If you are setting short hands you will more easily exclude the surroundings and even complete a thought, an idea... We all know this 'student' error too well. Campaign learning and this. The more time we have, the less time we devote to the subject. Therefore, turn off the computer from the power supply. And you have a deadline. Or limit distractions. Look for productive ones - maybe an idea pops into your head while walking through the park in addition to some bird shit - and unproductive ones. Here, without an in-depth analysis, we can give you the protagonists - Facebook and Twitter. Bonnie and Clyde. Because it just looks like you're winning.

READ MORE: 12 first-hand secrets of how successful designers maintain their creativity

5. I am afraid

This problem summarizes all of the above. It's fear mother inhibitors, creativity is gravedigger of ideas. And the main reason why they are a prisoner of your head is not because they are guilty of anything and not because they have gone down the wrong path, but because they are the 'tenth brothers', brothers from the family of ideas who tell them that they are not good enough, that they are not unique enough or unusual enough. Out of fear, they therefore take refuge in the arms of the brain, which nurtures and nurses them, even though they should have walked and walked the world on their own a long time ago. The problem is that this fear makes us so lame, that we have an idea ready abort, rather than risk embarrassing us when it sees the light of day. Although it is kind of logical instinct, but I couldn't be more wrong. Because it adorns good ideas performance, but not perfection.

Don't let ideas scare you. If you get closer, you will see that they are just a 'scarecrow'.
Don't let ideas scare you. If you get closer, you will see that they are just a 'scarecrow'.

How to deal with this?
That it will become you comfortable sharing your ideas with others, good and bad, is not something that will happen over the night. God's oil is needed- patience, and daily trainings, battles. Also lost, except you get the war. Comfort zone it is not a place to stay. Yes, it's nice to go back there every now and then, but a full life happens outside of it. Do other creative things, things that belong in a different context than your work. Yours fruits share, do not be ashamed of them, for they are not rotten. This will give you a thicker skin and as a result you will take some of the burden and expectations off the idea as well. And devote more time to your thoughts - on a bicycle, on a walk, anywhere where you let them roam freely in your head. Do not impose on them sounds from headphones, dilemmas, political conundrums, complications from work. Let them go to pasture and return to work rested. Be more accessible. Don't pretend you know the answers to all the questions. Ask for opinion, be open to the thoughts and observations of others, ask questions. And soon you will no longer be just a collector of ideas, but also a creator of ideas.

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